The One Who is Stupid Needs to be Stand Up

Best Teacher and Student Jokes in English, Best Soldier Jokes In English, Best Boss Jokes In English, Best Mother Jokes In English

Teacher and Student Joke

Teacher to his students: The stupid one needs to stand up. Johnny stood up.
Teacher: Johnny, why are you standing up? 
Johnny: Because you were the only one who is standing up, so I am feeling not good for you.

Soldier Joke

Soldier (to his wife): How much respect you have in your heart for me?
Wife: If you sit on the chair, I'll sit on the floor near your feet instead to sit on the chair. 
Soldier: If I sit on the floor?
Wife: Instead to sit on the floor, I'll dig the trench and will sit in it.
Soldier: If I sit in the trench?
Wife (angrily): I'll throw soil in your trench.

Boss Joke

The wife was forcing her husband for two days trip; the husband told her that there is a lot of work in the office so the boss can't give leaves but the wife insisted. So, he went to his boss and asked for two days' leaves.
Boss: There is technical inspection running. So, I can't give you leaves.
Husband: Thank you very much, Sir. I knew that you will be the only person who can help me this time in a difficult time.

Mother Joke

Mother advises to her son:
1985: Get married to the beautiful girl from our family (relatives).
1995: Get married to the same religion girl.
2000: Get married to the same standard girl.
2005: Get married to a younger girl than you.
2018: Get married to a girl.

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