Teacher and Student Joke
Teacher to his students: The stupid one needs to stand up. Johnny stood up.
Teacher: Johnny, why are you standing up?
Johnny: Because you were the only one who is standing up, so I am feeling not good for you.
Soldier Joke
Soldier (to his wife): How much respect you have in your heart for me?
Wife: If you sit on the chair, I'll sit on the floor near your feet instead to sit on the chair.
Soldier: If I sit on the floor?
Wife: Instead to sit on the floor, I'll dig the trench and will sit in it.
Soldier: If I sit in the trench?
Wife (angrily): I'll throw soil in your trench.
More Short Funny Jokes
Boss Joke
The wife was forcing her husband for two days trip; the husband told her that there is a lot of work in the office so the boss can't give leaves but the wife insisted. So, he went to his boss and asked for two days' leaves.
Boss: There is technical inspection running. So, I can't give you leaves.
Husband: Thank you very much, Sir. I knew that you will be the only person who can help me this time in a difficult time.
Mother Joke
Mother advises to her son:
1985: Get married to the beautiful girl from our family (relatives).
1995: Get married to the same religion girl.
2000: Get married to the same standard girl.
2005: Get married to a younger girl than you.
2018: Get married to a girl.