Enemy Of Sardar - Funny Jokes

sardar joke, funny sardar jokes, jokes of the day, Blind Joke, Teacher and student jokes.

Sardar Joke

Sardar: See the man sitting on that table, he is my enemy. 
Friend: Dude, four men are sitting on that table. 
Sardar: The one who has a mustache. 
Friend: All of them have a mustache. 
Sardar: The one who wore a white dress. 
Friend: All of them wore white dresses. 
Sardar got angry and got his pistol up, shot three men and said; the one who left is my enemy.

Blind Joke

Teacher: The person who can't see, we call him blind. What we call that person who can't listen?
Sardar: Whatever we can say to him because he can't listen.

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