A Ship Was Sinking In The Sea - Amazing Jokes

Forgetful Jokes In English, A Clever Sardar Jokes In English, A Ship Jokes In English, Amazing Jokes In English

Forgetful Joke

A person was very forgetful. He used to forget things. One day he woke up on Thursday and remembered that he had to go in a feast on Wednesday. He became sad and quickly ran to the telephone and called on a phone number:
'My dear I am very sorry (with shortness of breath). I am very ashamed I could not come on Wednesday. I don't know how I forgot? Please accept my apology and invite me on another day. I'll definitely come. Sorry once again.'
There was a few seconds silence on another side and then she spoke up, 'why are you regretted, sorry for what? You were present in a feast on Wednesday.

A Clever Beggar Joke

A beggar asking money from a person, 'please give me some money. I have lost all my assets in a fire accident. My money, home, clothes, furniture, and all have been burned.
Person: But I want proof.
Beggar: I had proof but as I said, all the things burned, so proof has been also burned with the home.

Ship Joke

A ship was sinking.
Man: How far is it from here to the land?
Sardar: Only one kilometer.
Man: Jumped in the sea and asked from Sardar, in which direction?
Sardar: Downward (under the sea).

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