Can Exercise Reduce a Big Nose?
Make your dilated and big nose sharper and more beautiful with just a few exercises without surgery.
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How Do I Sharpen My Nose?
In our society, the quality of beauty is considered white; big eyes and a thinner and sharper nose are also considered signs of beauty. A protruding nose and a big nose diminish the beauty of the face. That is why our elders believed that if a baby's nose is pressed in a certain way at birth, its bone becomes soft and, therefore, can be sharp and beautiful. Some people also believe that even after growing up, if some exercises are done regularly, they can make the nose sharper and thinner. Today we will talk about such nose exercises and how to make the nose thinner and pointed.
1: The First Nose Exercise To Make A Big Nose Sharper

Hold the nose between your index finger and thumb for five seconds. Do this exercise five to ten times a day.
2: The Second Nose Exercise To Make A Big Nose Sharper

Press the nostrils on both sides with the index fingers of both hands and while pressing it, move downwards, continue the massage for five seconds, and repeat this exercise five to ten times.
3: The Third Nose Exercise To Make A Big Nose Sharper

Press the nostrils with both index fingers and move them upwards. Repeat this exercise five to ten times.
4: The Fourth Nose Exercise To Make A Big Nose Sharper

Pull the space between the two nostrils forward with the thumb and index finger and release it after five seconds. Repeat this exercise five to ten times.
5: The Fifth Nose Exercise To Make A Big Nose Sharper

Hold the upper edge of the nose with the index finger of both hands, hold for ten seconds, and then release. Repeat this exercise five times.
6: The Sixth Nose Exercise To Make A Big Nose Sharper

While massaging the nostrils on both sides with the index fingers of both hands, move the fingers upwards and release them between the eyebrows up to the forehead. Repeat this process ten times.
7: The Seventh Nose Exercise To Make A Big Nose Sharper
Press the part of the upper edge of the nose closest to the eyebrows and lift it upwards. Then lift the middle part of the nose upwards by pressing it with your finger and thumb, then lift it upwards by pressing the tip of the nose in the same way.
Do all these exercises daily and notice a clear difference in the nose's structure in a month.
NOTE: A big nose is not a lack of beauty. It only depends on your personal choice. Some people like big noses, while some have sharp noses. Check the post about the beauty of a big nose.
Tags: Beauty Tips And Secrets, Big Nose, Sharp Nose, Pointer Nose, Thin Nose, Small Nose, Large Nose