Blood Pressure Keeps You Alive
Hypertension is a leading cause of heart attack and stroke.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is called the "silent killer" because it often has no symptoms but can lead to serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease.
The heart is a small but powerful pump that regularly beats from (and before) human birth to the last breath of life. The heart pumps five liters of blood into countless veins spread throughout the body every few minutes.
This process is necessary to maintain blood circulation. The process of this pressure is called blood pressure. There are two types of blood pressure:
- Systolic
- Diastolic
When our heart shrinks, the blood pressure is called systolic pressure; when the heart is in a normal state, it is called diastolic pressure.
If the blood pressure reading is 80/140, systolic pressure 140, and diastolic pressure 80.
A good blood pressure level is reading under 120/80. Readings over 120/80 and 139/89 are within the average to high limit. Your doctor will suggest and advise what your ideal blood pressure should be based on your medical condition.
Blood Pressure Changes Throughout The Day
Blood pressure levels change. Blood pressure increases when exercised or under pressure. As it is when you are relaxed or asleep, its level decreases.
Hypertension Just Gets It!
Hypertension can happen as you get older. The reason is that with the increase in age, the elasticity of the blood vessels in different body parts decreases or becomes a little stiff. But also, remember there is no specific reason for hypertension; it just happens. This is called primary hypertension. In 10% of cases, hypertension must have some medical reason.
This is called secondary hypertension. The medical causes of hypertension are kidney diseases, kidney failure, drug use, and specific hormone problems that affect the kidneys. Hypertension is indirectly related to the kidney. Several factors can cause hypertension; the following is essential:
- Obesity.
- Smoking.
- Excess salt intake of food.
- Lack of exercise.
- Diabetes.
- Kidney Diseases.
Unaware Of Hypertension

Most people do not show signs of hypertension, so they live unaware of it. People who appear healthy and fit in any way may also suffer from hypertension but are unaware of this.
However, in severe cases, the symptoms of hypertension appear. Symptoms include nasal bleeding, headache, insomnia, mental distress and confusion, and respiratory problems. If hypertension is not treated, paralysis and heart attack increase. Many diseases can be avoided by treating hypertension and keeping blood pressure regular.
Without treatment, heart failure and paralysis can lead to heart failure, kidney failure, visually impaired vision, and eye diseases. Inadequate treatment of hypertension can lead to the spread of the central artery through the abdomen and chest, which can have dangerous consequences.
What Can Be Done To Overcome Hypertension?
About a quarter of people with hypertension bring lifestyle changes in average blood pressure. The following are some changes that may be useful in overcoming hypertension.

Smoking should be avoided to control blood pressure and improve general health. Cigarette smoking doubles the risk of developing heart disease and shortens life.
Weight Loss

Weight loss will help lower hypertension levels. Avoid fatty foods to lose weight. Use poultry and fish meat, fresh fruits, vegetables, and fiber.
Exercise Regularly

A gym can also be added for this purpose; if there is no time, at least four days a week, a 20 to 30-minute walk will help reduce weight.
Use Less Salt

Do not add salt or use a little in foods and drinks. Avoid fast foods and processed foods as they contain significant amounts of salt. Even if hypertension is not fully controlled despite the above steps, the number of medicines used will be reduced.
No Knowledge Of Hypertension
Yes, you may consider your blood pressure normal, but do you know most people do not have any physical symptoms of this disease? No apparent symptoms of hypertension can be diagnosed, which is when health suffers.
At What Age Should I Get A Blood Pressure Check Started?
According to clinicians, hypertension can occur at any age and should be cured if blood pressure is not checked for a long time. The idea they are still young and safe from blood pressure can be dangerous.
At present, the rate of young hypertension patients has increased. Having a blood pressure check done at least once a year since eighteen is helpful. The following are five signs to know.
People Aged 40 Or Over
According to medical experts, blood pressure can increase at any age but rapidly after forty years. Therefore, blood pressure checking should be made routine at home from this age.
Specific Lifestyle
If you spend more time sitting for a day, you have a smoking habit, and a high salt diet can increase your risk of blood pressure. Take a break. Reduce salt intake in your diet and try to avoid smoking.

Obesity is a significant cause of hypertension. Especially if you have big-bellied. The good news is that even if the weight is reduced to just five kilos, it reduces blood pressure levels.
Blood Pressure In The Family
What foods are good for high blood pressure
A Few Useful Foods In Blood Pressure
Banana For Hypertension

Bananas are a natural source of potassium intake. This ingredient can adversely affect the body, especially muscles, and heartbeat. Bananas are rich in potassium and have a low sodium (salt) rate, making them a helpful diet for people with hypertension.
Yogurt For Hypertension

Yogurt is rich in calcium, which can increase the risk of hypertension. Yogurt also has a low salt content. Yogurt helps normalize hypertension, and it often fills people's hearts.
Cinnamon For Hypertension

Cinnamon is said to help normalize blood pressure. Cinnamon also lowers the levels of cholesterol.
It can also be included in the diet, along with sweet dishes and drinks. Including it in every meal is more beneficial to health.
Potato For Hypertension

Potatoes have a high potassium content. It helps reduce blood pressure.
Fish For Hypertension

Fish is an excellent source of protein, and vitamin D. Both ingredients help lower blood pressure; fish also contains healthy omega fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol rates.
Talbina (porridge made from barley flour) For hypertension

Talbina is a good diet for people with high blood pressure; it is rich in fiber which helps lower blood pressure and improves digestion, making it even tastier to use with various fresh fruit flavors.
Beans For Hypertension

Bean seeds are also helpful for hypertension patients, which are rich in protein, fiber, and potassium.
They can also be used by boiling; when they are soft after boiling, they can be prepared with other vegetables to make delicious dishes that are also medically beneficial.
Beetroot For Hypertension

Rich in nitrate oxide, this vegetable reduces blood pressure by widening the arteries of the blood. Beetroot helps control blood pressure; it can be used in various ways. This can be done by juice, cooking, or eating raw.
Almonds For Hypertension

The benefits of almonds are many. Full of propane, fiber, and magnesium, it is also valuable for preventing high blood pressure. Magnesium deficiency in the diet leads to hypertension, and eating a few almonds daily can help keep blood pressure regular.
Does Cheese Increase Blood Pressure
The protein and calcium found in cheese make it a great source of nutrition, but it contains a lot of saturated fat and salt. Overeating could increase your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) by raising your cholesterol and blood pressure.
The aforementioned foods are good for high blood pressure but always consult a doctor about your condition.