5 Sneaky Myths About Anxiety I Bought Into at First
The first time a close friend confessed she’d been secretly
struggling with intense anxiety since junior high, I felt completely stunned -
and admittedly skeptical. In my mind lingered misleading assumptions anxiety
either meant mildly nervous butterflies or people freaking out on TV.
Over the years though, I’ve come to deeply grasp the
realities so many face battling complex, crippling anxiety or panic attacks
daily behind brave faces. Recent insights also shattered myths I’d once
unconsciously believed around causes, solutions, and strength. If any resonate
with you like they did for me initially, please know lasting hope and tools
wait ahead! Here are 5 common myths about anxiety bringing much-needed light:
Myth 1: Anxiety Usually Fades Quickly If You Just Calm Down
For ages, I figured anxiety either meant mildly worrying
about an upcoming test or watching intense panicking play out dramatically in
movies. Rarely life-altering right? Who doesn’t stress sometimes?
Yeah...I couldn’t have been more wrong. When a close friend
recently confessed struggling with relentless anxiety and panic since
childhood, I just suggested the usual “calm breaths and soothing music” routine
my cousin tried for jitters before our wedding toast disaster (sorry Aunt
But research reveals anxiety dies hard once neurological
patterns imprint if untreated. Science confirms reprinted thought loops and
biological factors maintain it. Therapy and retraining neural ways prove vital,
not a quick calm down.
I felt embarrassed having suggested useless chill tips for
years like a jerk before finally getting schooled! Now I buck outdated views
minimizing real battles friends face internally every single day. No judgement
- just love and support.
Myth 2: Anxiety Means You're Weak-Minded or Defective
Another big awakening - I used to occasionally wonder
whether some individuals simply stayed more prone to anxiety due to inherited
weaker mindsets unable to handle stress as well. I assumed everyone faced fears
or nerves, yet some genetically reacted more extremely.
Man was I propagating gross lies! Data resoundingly shows
anxiety strikes completely indiscriminately regardless of mental grit or
personality type. Both bold leaders and gentle creatives battle internally
every day. In fact communities facing frequent trauma develop higher overall
anxiety rates due to environmental factors stirring up neurotransmitter
activity. Anxiety definitely says nothing about anyone’s strength or worth!
I really had to check my own privilege and rethink tired
tropes. Now I better understand the meaningless stigma friends encounter when
societal myths claim "well adjusted folks” shouldn't undergo anxiety or
panic episodes. Not true! We all deserve support.
Myth 3: Medications Mean You've Failed At Handling Things Solo
Look, I used to assume panic attacks meant someone failed
managing their mental stuff solo without needing meds as a crutch. After all,
nobody in my family popped anxiety pills that I knew about. Don't most people
just power through worry using personal responsibility and self-care these
Again - past me gets a knockout punch for spreading
nonsense! Research now clearly shows genetics often determine both anxiety
likelihood and whether therapies without medications can adequately rein wires
mood regulation in each unique brain. Some absolutely require meds helping
proper serotonin flow because their innate biological makeup differs. That's
just morally neutral science!
I've stopped judging folks needing medical support or
assuming personal failure when panic cripples their executive function no
matter how many cleansing lattes and jogs they try. Biology proves the driver!
We all have our inner battles and need backing at times.
Also read: How Laughter Can Relieve Stress
Myth 4: Panic Attacks Always Involve Visibly Freaking Out
Since I’d seen dramatized panic attacks on TV growing up
where someone predictable starts sobbing and COLLAPSES, I secretly assumed all
real cases probably looked similar...minus the excellently timed fainting
couches. In my ignorant view, panic meant obvious hyperventilating meltdowns.
Well, in truth anxiety often manifests internally while
people battle racing hearts and distress silently maintaining everyday
functions because vulnerable emotions get discouraged by outdated "save
face” mentalities. Outward freak-outs actually stay less common than discreet
attacks endured privately.
I regret assuming every panic attack transparently announces
itself like broadcast TV. In reality tons of everyday folks around us wrestle
anxiety demons while elegantly disguising the pain from judgmental eyes. We owe
it to each other to spread more understanding and support behind the scenes.
Myth 5: Anxiety Will Eventually Resolve Itself If You Wait Long Enough
Finally, I used to casually tell friends with anxiety to
"hang in there” assuming it would naturally fade over time like most
obstacles do if properly distracted from. After all, haven't we all endured
temporary worries that killed our appetites for a bit before moving on?
What ignorance yet again! Current research devastates hope
of anxiety reliably "running its course” alone for most due to
self-reinforcing thought and biological cycles etched over ages. Without
actively rebalancing key neurotransmitters or remodeling thought loops, studies
found anxiety worsens and expands to other arenas for a brutal 68% of people
over decades. Early intervention really proves vital!
I regret every blasé “this too shall pass” assurance made
without backing. If you battle anxiety demons or panic regularly, please don't
buy into the myth that enough distractions or waiting will solve things alone
without pursuing resources. You deserve so much better - we all do. The world
needs your voice and spirit!