Hunger is actually a complex process and indicates that our body needs energy and needs to eat something to meet this need. This process is actually part of a complex system of the brain and hormones if you feel hungry even after a short meal and want to eat something again and again. These symbols point to the seven mistakes we make in our daily meals:
1: Protein in the diet
Protein is one of the most important parts of our diet and we get it from meat and pulses. Protein is the most important component of our body's metabolism process as well as it helps in the release of various hormones. If for some reason we are deficient in protein in our diet, hormones signal to the brain that we are hungry.
2: Use more starchy foods
Starchy foods such as potatoes increase the amount of sugar in our blood. When the blood sugar level rises due to the consumption of these foods, the body needs more insulin to keep it balanced and its excessive release can also lead to recurrent hunger.
3: Low fat consumption
The human body needs fat and it is a slow-digesting food. If the rate of fat in the diet is low then the fat stored inside the body will be used for energy and also because of this. The body may become weak and may experience frequent hunger pangs.
4: Less water consumption
Water is very important for the human body as it makes up 70% of our body. People who consume less water can also cause hormonal imbalances and dehydration. Due to which man feels as if he is running out of energy and he feels hungry. In fact, it is not hunger but thirst that man is unable to understand.
5: Lack of sleep
Sleep is as important to the human body as food and water, sometimes due to lack of sleep, the hormonal system inside the human body is severely affected and it can become sluggish. He may also feel weak which makes him want to eat something again and again.
6: Eat very fast
Some people are very quick to eat. For twenty minutes after a normal human being eats, his stomach signals his brain to be full. But for those who eat too fast, the message system weakens, and even though the food is in the stomach, the brain signals something to eat that can cause them to feel untimely hunger.
7: Pay attention while eating
Some people are busy with their laptops or mobiles while eating due to busyness or even habit. During this time their brain is busy with food as well as other activities and they eat food in a world of inattention but their brain is not ready to accept this fact. So it signals hunger again and again.