Funny Pyramid Jokes | Egyptian Jokes

Top Funny Pyramid Jokes 2021, Best Jokes About Pyramid, Egyptian Prince Joke, Egyptian Mathematician Joke, Three Girls Jokes, Funniest Pyramid Jokes
Funny Pyramid Jokes | Egyptian Jokes

Three Girls - Funny Pyramid Joke

There were 3 women, a brunette, a blonde, and a redhead. They spotted a pyramid. They read a notice that said, "This Egyptian pyramid has a hundred steps. If you get to the peak (top) of it, you will get what you have needed all in your life. But be warned, an Egyptian man will pop out every five steps and tell a joke. If you laugh, you can never try again."

So the blonde girl reached the fifth step and laughed. As per the rule mentioned, she could never try again.

The brunette reached the twentieth step and laughed. She also could never try again.

Then the redhead reached the ninety-ninth step and laughed.

The Egyptian man who was going to tell the joke said, "Why did you laugh? I did not tell the joke yet?".

The redhead girl said, "I know you did not tell the joke yet; I laughed because I just got the joke now that you told the blond girl." 😁

An Egyptian Mathematician's Joke

Funny Pyramid Jokes

An ancient Egyptian mathematician was investigating to understand how long a day was.

After twenty-four hours, he called it a day. 🤣

Also, Read:

Egyptian Prince Joke

Great Pyramid Jokes

Question: Why did the ancient Egyptian Prince differ from Prince Charles?
Answer: Because The Egyptian Prince knew from the start that his father would become a mummy. 💀

BONUS: A Riddle

Question: What animal walks on 4 feet in the daylight, two in the afternoon, and three at night?

Answer: Human. He goes on all 4 as a toddler, on 2 feet as an adult, and uses a cane in his old age. 💡

Tags: Funny Pyramid Jokes, Egyptian Jokes, Mathematician Joke, Great Pyramid, Ancient Egypt, Dad Jokes, Pyramid Scheme

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