Top Miscellaneous Jokes Ever

Get ready to laugh with our collection of hilarious miscellaneous SMS jokes. Short, witty, and guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.
A collection of funny SMS jokes to bring a smile to your day.


Teacher and Student Joke

Teacher: When I was your age, I got 100 percent marks, and you stupid students can't get even 60 percent.
Student: I am sure you would have a good teacher then.

Mother In Law Joke

Mother-in-law: How are you, my son?
Son-in-law: Don't care about me; how are you? I believe you guys are in an extraordinary situation and living in peace.

Sunday Joke

Time has been running at the same speed for years. But what the hell happened on Sunday.

Dad and Son Jokes

Dad: My son, you must get 90 percent marks in physics.
Son: I'll get 100 percent marks, daddy.
Dad: Don't be kidding.
Son: Exactly; who started it first?

Breakup Joke

Most tragic breakups happen in China because you see the same girl all over the city.

Friends Joke

Girl to her friend: What gift should I give to my boyfriend?
Friend: What's his name?
Girl: Jon.
Friend: What does he look like?
Girls: He is so handsome, charming, dashing, and hot.
Friend: You should give him my number.

One-liner Short Misc Sms Jokes

  • Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the misc SMS jokes!
  • Why did the coffee file a complaint? Because it was feeling a little mis-caffeinated!
  • Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems, it was just a misc-calculation!
  • Why did the computer go to the doctor? Because it had a case of the keyboard malfunctions!
  • Why did the smartphone go to therapy? Because it was dealing with some major app-titude issues!

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