What is Marriage? Funny Jokes

What is Marriage? Funny Jokes, Marriage jokes, Science jokes, Old-man jokes, Powerful jokes, Funny jokes about weddings, Scientist jokes

What is Marriage Joke

What is marriage? A scientist was researching about marriage. What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages? He also did a survey about it, but could not get a proper understandable answer on it. He actually wanted to know what is the science behind it. Finally, he got married, so he could know what is the science behind marriage. Now he doesn't understand what is science.

Oldman Joke

An old man was telling to his friends proudly that my power is still the same as I was young. His friends impressed and asked how it possible? Please let us know, so we could apply the same formula to us as you did?

Old man: Look at that big stone. When I was young, I tried to put that up and failed; same now, I tried and failed.

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