What's Your Aim In Life - Very Funny Jokes

What's Your Aim In Life - Very Funny Jokes, Sardar and Chinese Joke, Teacher Joke, joke of the day, amazing jokes, Aim Jokes, Jokes About Aim

Teacher Joke

Teacher: What will you do in the future?
Johnny: Marry.
Teacher: I mean what do you want to become in your life?
Johnny: Husband.
Teacher: I meant what you will get in the future?
Johnny: Wife.
Teacher: Naughty boy what will you do for your parents in the future?
Johnny: I will get a daughter-in-law for them.
Teacher: Stupid what your father wants from you?
Johnny: Grandson.
Teacher: Foolish! what's your aim in life?
Johnny: To get married.

Sardar and Chinese Joke

Sardar to Chinese: Are you Japanese?
Chinese: No, I'm Chinese. 
Sardar: Are you Japanese?
Chinese: No, I'm Chinese. 
Sardar: Are you Japanese?
Chinese: No dude, I told you I'm Chinese.
Sardar: Are you Japanese?
Chinese: Angrily, yes I'm Japanese.
Sardar: But you look like Chinese.

Teacher Joke

Teacher Susan to Students: See this is our group photo. You will see this photo when you grow up in the future and you will talk with each other; looks like he is Michel, who went to London, he became an engineer, he is George, who went to the USA and he is a doctor now, and its Johnny who is still here with no progress. Johnny got angry and said, and she is our teacher Susan RIP.

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