Banana is a fruit that is almost readily available in every season. Nutritionists also call it a 100-calorie snack, which can be easily bought and eaten. Different colors of bananas are available in the market; which of these colors do you like? Think about it and choose one of these bananas, then read this article in its entirety. You will know for yourself what is the specialty of your favorite banana.
The fact is that as the banana ripens, its color changes. However, many people are not aware that the properties of bananas also change at different stages of ripening. Dr. Ahmed, a well-known nutritionist, is giving more information. Let's find out.
When bananas are green, they contain a lot of starch. These bananas are great for people who are dieting. Since these bananas are not yet fully ripe, they will not look so sweet or so good in taste. But dieters can customize the use of this banana. These bananas contain probiotic bacteria that help keep the digestive system healthy. These green bananas are also great for making dishes/chips in which bananas are being fried. However, green bananas should not be used in large quantities at once, as they can cause bloating or gas.

Bananas with red shades originate in West Indies and Central America. They look so beautiful. But most people have not tested it yet. This fruit has a light mango flavor; some have an earthy flavor.

Yellow bananas are considered the best. They are sweet and soft. These bananas can convert starch into sugar. So they are much better in taste than green bananas. They contain more antioxidants than green bananas. However, overeating these bananas raises blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes should avoid it.

Spotted bananas:
Bananas with brown spots testify to the fact that the starch in the bananas has wholly turned into sugar. The more spots there are in the banana, the higher the sugar level of the banana. Bananas with brown spots are considered the best for the immune system. They are also rich in antioxidants. Such bananas contain the Tumor Necrosis Factor, which helps eliminate tumor and cancer cells.

Rhino Horn:
The longest fruits among bananas are rhino horn bananas. They have rich, creamy flesh and taste lightly sweet. They are also known as rhino horn plantains or African rhino horns.

Bananas whose skin has turned brown are immediately thrown into the dustbin because people think they're wrong, they look bad, and people throw them away. However, people will be surprised that nutritionists consider these bananas the "powerhouse of antioxidants." These bananas contain high sugar levels, so brown bananas should never be used by people with diabetes. People who don't like the color of these bananas should mash them instead of throwing them away and making bread or pancakes.

Bananas with blue shades originate in Southeast Asia down to Northern Australia. They are called blue java bananas (also known as Ice Cream bananas, Ney Mannan, Krie, or Cenizo, Hawaiian bananas). These bluish bananas look utterly beautiful. The fantastic thing about this banana is its ice cream-like flavor.

It's your choice what you eat. There are many health benefits associated with bananas. Besides potassium and magnesium, they also contain vitamin B6 and antioxidants. Their benefits include regulating blood pressure, enhancing immunity, and enhancing digestion.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this article about bananas, their benefits, and their types. Thanks for reading this article. I hope it helps.