Many rumors are circulating about the coronavirus, which is causing mental distress to the people.
One of them is the mosquito can transmit the virus to a healthy person after sucking the blood of a person infected with coronavirus COVID-19.
A medical study in the United States has found the answer.
It is common for mosquitoes to play a role in the spread of various diseases, including malaria, dengue virus, and others.
Research from Kansas State University has found; people need not worry about the spread of the coronavirus from mosquitoes.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has already clarified that mosquito bites do not spread the coronavirus, and so far there is no evidence that the coronavirus can be transmitted from mosquitoes to humans.

In a study published in the journal Scientific Reports, experts examined the three most common types of mosquitoes.
The study found; under no circumstances could the COVID-19 virus replicate itself in mosquitoes, and these organisms could not transmit the virus to other people even after sucking it.
Also, Read:
Researchers have discovered mosquitoes are not responsible for transmitting the coronavirus (COVID-19), but humans are the main source of transmission.
Tags: New Coronavirus, COVID-19, Coronavirus_Mosquito, Mosquito_Bite_Coronavirus, Mosquito_Spread_Coronavirus, Mosquito_Carry_Coronavirus