Strengthening the immune system is essential to preventing COVID-19 (new coronavirus), and so far, in dozens of studies, scientists have instructed people to adopt foods that help strengthen the immune system.
Proper sleep also plays a crucial role in boosting the immune system, but researchers have also found a vitamin that can protect against COVID-19 (new coronavirus).
Vitamin D And Coronavirus
Vitamin D use can prevent coronavirus disease. Belgium scientists have also identified vitamin D supplements as an easy and inexpensive way to fight the coronavirus.
A study of thousands of people found; people deficient in vitamin D had a 5x increased risk of developing COVID-19 symptoms.
Indonesian experts also called vitamin D a "lifesaver" for COVID-19 (new coronavirus).
Scientists at Brussels Free University have found in a new study that people who take vitamin D supplements have a much lower risk of developing more severe CORONAVIRUS SYMPTOMS.
Why Vitamin D Is Good For Coronavirus Disease?
Vitamin D aids improve the amount of phosphate and calcium in the body. These nutrients are required to keep teeth, muscles, and bones healthy. Vitamin D deficiency can affect bone deformities such as rickets in kids and bone pain caused by osteomalacia disease in youngsters (adults).

What Are the Best Sources Of Vitamin D?
Many people should be able to get all the vitamin D they need from sunlight in the summer. But in winter, or if there is no sunny day, Vitamin D can be found in some foods; including:
- Fortified Foods
- Oily Fish
- Liver
- Red meat
- Egg yolks