Fighting - Arguments in Text Messages is Good or Bad

Arguments in Text Messages is Good or Bad, fighting in text messages, text messages, arguments in WhatsApp messages, Fighting in text messages

Arguments in Text Messages

Fighting - Arguments in Text Messages is Good or Bad

In today's world, technology is an essential part of our life which involves our relations. Love and caring messages can make relations strong, while on the other hand, some messages can be the reason for breakups, misunderstandings, or fights. There are some reasons if you know you will not argue or fight in text messages.

You Can't Show Genuine Sentiment In Text Messages

The big problem is text messages can't show your body language. It is just words. Your voice and face are the real representatives of you. Because you can't show your real emotions in text messages, there would be a more chance of some misunderstanding in messages during arguments.

You Can't See Face Fluctuation/Expression

The second part of the point above is when you are chatting or messaging someone, they can't see your facial fluctuation/expression. That is why you could be unsure whether your message has been taken with positivity or negativity.

Late Reply Can Be Frustrating Or Irritating To You

In most arguments and fights, messages can be late for several reasons like network problems, slow typing speed, mobile phone battery dead, some urgent work, etc., which can be frustrating or irritating to you and cause anger. The problem can be solved simply by one-to-one meetings but badly goes to another side on text messages.

Mostly No Solution

The argument in the text messages is proven chiefly useless. You can't find solutions to your joint problems in the text message.

So try to always sort out all your serious problems or issue through one-to-one meetings. Because face-to-face discussion/argument is far better than text messages.

You May Also read, How To Argue Productively To Change Someone's Mind.