How To Convince Someone?

You may be heard Desmond Tutu; 'Don't raise your voice. Improve your argument.' You may have noticed that when you try to change someone's opinion, he/she becomes more stubborn and reluctant to say 'Yes' to you for no reason. This is how most people insult others, criticize them, and ridicule them; they will change their habits but changing people's opinions by insulting, criticizing, or ridiculing them has the opposite effect, and people would be more stubborn.
Why Do We Need To Learn How To Change Someone's Opinions?
Your success in life and business depends on how you can change peoples' minds and opinions and integrate them with you. So this article has six tips on how you can change people's opinions and make them feel that their arguments are useless.
Also, readArguments in Text Messages
6-Let Others have More Opportunity To Speak

When arguing with a person, let the person speak first and give him a chance to talk more. It benefits you.
- First, you can catch the flaws in his argument, and you can strengthen your arguments on behalf of his points.
- Second, in your turn, he will probably have fewer arguments to deliver.
- Third, by listening carefully to the person's arguments, he will like this; he will also listen to you carefully and will not be stubborn.
Most people mistake that wherever they see the person's arguments week, they cut it off immediately, and the person takes it as an offense. He does it (offense) when you speak, too; from here, the debate becomes a problem for the opponent and your ego. You can't change the opinion of someone, even if you tell people the fact. They still don't believe you because people believe in those things they want to believe. They trust the people they want to believe.
5- Build Your Trust In People

If people trust you, they change their minds quickly during an argument. If your reputation in your circle is false and deceitful, then people will not believe in your arguments. If people are aware of your good behaviors and morals, they will be influenced by your argument. But if you have been hypocritical in the past, saying something and doing something else, then it is difficult for people to believe in your words and points during the argument.
4- Make People Feel That Your Thinking And Their Thinking Are Similar

You should not directly ask people to change their minds and opinions. Don't force your ideas and thoughts into their minds. Instead, let people conclude that your ideas and arguments are logical and that their ideas and arguments are just useless. Ask questions to people during the debate to make them feel that their points are just inefficient. Give them your strong arguments as advice, not as an offense.
3- Don't Waste Your Time And Effort. Creating An Atmosphere Of Competition

Suppose you consider the arguments like a contest or a competition, no matter how good your arguments are. In that case, the opponent will consider it a competition and will never accept your arguments. You cannot persuade him. Discuss with him as if this is a regular discussion and convince him logically to change his mind. If the person's points seem weak or wrong, instead of saying it with contempt, just say, 'maybe I am wrong, but I disagree with you.' Because you have not called him wrong, he will be open to new possibilities.
2- If Your Arguments Are Weak, Speak Fast

If your arguments are weak and you want him to say 'Yes,' you should think carefully about the choice of words and not speak slowly during the arguments. Speaking slowly will give him enough time to catch your weak arguments comfortably. If you keep talking fast and jumping from one thing to another, he won't have time to analyze your arguments quickly; so chances are that he will say 'Yes' to you.
1- Cite True Events Or Quote Wise People

Another important tip is to refer to an authentic personality to persuade someone. To prove your point, refer to an event where authenticity is acknowledged nationally or internationally. Quote the people whose wisdom is accepted by all people. Experts say people who are specialists in their field or the community, their wisdom or repute were considered. Referring to them makes people believe quickly and withdraw their arguments.