Hahaha Joke of the day Bundle 8

A Network Company Joke A man got married to a lady who was working for a mobile network company. On their first wedding night...

A Network Company Joke

A man got married to a lady who was working for a mobile network company. On their first wedding night, the husband came into the room, and she speaks out: 
Please choose your menu
For talking, press 1.
For sleeping, press 2.
For wearing the ring on the finger, press 3.
For romance, press 4.
The husband got angry and said, now tell me which one I should press for divorce? 
The wife said you have insufficient balance. If you want further detail please contact my mother.
Thank you for marrying me.

Proposal Joke

Two things may happen if you propose to a girl.
  1. She will get angry and you could be badly beaten at that time.
  2. She will accept your proposal and you could be badly beaten the whole time.

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