How to Become a Morning Person: 12 Science-Based Tips

Discover how to become a morning person according to the science. Find the 12 science based tips for how to become an early riser.
How to Become a Morning Person

How to Become an Early Riser

Ask most night owls about willingly rising before dawn and you’ll get plenty of yawns. However, committing to morning hours unlocks surprising emotional and productivity perks grounded in research on circadian biology. This definitive guide shares 12 lifestyle changes for "How to Become a Morning Person". 

Set Multiple Alarms Gradually

Rather than one jarring noise, try gently waking in phases by:

  • Scheduling Alarm 1 for 30 minutes before ideal rise time
  • Alarm 2 follows 15 minutes later to transition waking
  • Final Alarm as target time to get moving

This eases the shift avoiding grogginess.

Hydrate As Soon As Possible

Begin chugging cold water immediately upon waking to energize sluggish systems via hydration triggering cortisol signals for alertness.

Alternate Exercise Routines

Switching between cardio and resistance training first thing to activate feel-good endorphins, adrenaline, and motor proteins that rebalance biological rhythms.

Also read: How Your Sleep Position Affects Your Personality And Health

Maximize Bright Light Exposure

Drawback all window coverings and turn on overhead lighting within the first hour conscious. Light intensity cues "clock genes" that govern vitality.

Commit to Consistent Sleep Schedules

Even on weekends, sustain the same 8 hour targeted bedtime and rise time for circadian alignment, only modifying within 30 minute range for social needs 1-2 monthly.

Stop Eating 3 Hours Pre-Bed

Completely avoiding substantial calories 3+ hours before sleep allows full digestion and processing so overnight fasts can efficiently energize fat burning come morning.

Take Cold Showers

Alternate 1 minute pure cold water exposure followed by 20 seconds relief hot, repeat this cycle 3 times ending on cold spike. This combo shown to drive up cortisol, metabolism and alertness dramatically.

Listen to Uplifting Audio

Start mornings listening to inspirational speakers on growth mindsets and comedy over movement or breakfast to release mood boosting dopamine and optimism while digestive systems activate.

Practice Daily Gratitude

Take 2-3 minutes upon waking to name aloud or journal specifics you feel genuinely thankful for surrounding relationships, privileges and elements of your lifestyle cultivating contentment.

Recite Motivating Mantras

Repeating personalized miniature mission statement style mantras etched on notecards layers identity, intention and purpose towards priority passions priming action.

Set 3 Most Important Tasks (MITs)

Identify 3 achievable but challenging MIT outcomes due by noon daily to create AM opportunity urgency and momentum in reaching incremental objective goals across weeks.

Attach Rewards

Associate completion of 1-2 MITs with permission for pleasurable podcast listening or luxurious self-care actions. This infuses extrinsic motivation for non urgent tasks.

Join Like-Minded Social Groups

Plug into online communities actively messaging early morning motivation and ritual tips daily. Exposure increases accountability through camaraderie in the journey.

The key to becoming a consistent early riser? Patience gradually layering in lifestyle elements until succession hits tipping point. Then witness the productivity and positivity explosion firsthand!

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