Why Swearing Is Fun?

Why Swearing Is Fun, Why Do We Use Swear Words, Alternative Words Of Expletive, Abusive Gossip In Other Languages, Do Animals Also Use Swear Words
Why Swearing Is Fun

Swearing is bad, but why do we enjoy doing it?

Is it because we are trying to be a little wicked, or is there a change in our mind and body when we abuse?

This happens to all of us. When we stumble or get injured in traffic or spill tea, we suddenly utter rude words.

Instinctively we say something about such an incident and usually, these ribaldries that come out of our mouths give us solace and like magic, we get sinful instant relief.

Well, some of us use concoctions more than others, and sometimes people can do that even when they are thrilled.

But you admit that it is found in every culture and every language. And it doesn't have to be specific to humans.

So what's the science behind abusive gossip?

What are the conspiracies?

Dr. Emma Byrne, an expert on the subject and author of "Swearing Is Good For You", says that "it is difficult to explain the facts."

"It's the language we use when we're shocked, surprised, happy, joked, or aggressive," she says. But it is a cultural issue that is understood within a particular society, language group, society, country, or religion.

"We decide by consensus what abuse is, and this consensus has a lot to do with what is forbidden in a particular culture," explains Dr. Byrne. In some cultures, the mention of body parts hurt emotions, in some places the name of animals, the mention of diseases, and sometimes a physical act.

"But abusive language is a key element: to hurt feelings, you need to use the taboos that exist in this society."

"It's the language you wouldn't use on special occasions, such as a job interview, or the first meeting with your potential mother-in-law," says Dr. Byrne.

Why Do We Use Swear Words?

Gaddy, who is a regular listener to the BBC World Service, says that when you are depressed, or something unexpected happens, you say swearing words and it gives you a sense of satisfaction.

Another listener, Michael, says: "In my joy, surprise, sadness, pain, and anger, cuss words come out of my mouth. And it is the best expression of my feelings."

"I don't abuse too much," says Clara. I think it removes its charm. You want to save it for a special occasion."

Of course, some people never use cursing, cussing, swearing, or abusive words, but most of us would agree that these ribaldries give us a sense of energy.

Dr. Byrne's observations show that if a person's left side of the brain is paralyzed because of paralysis, and he cannot speak, he can still abuse.

Why Do We Use Swear Words?

"We have a very strong emotional connection with certain parts of the language, and those words are stored in another cell of the brain. The part of a person's brain where the language is safe and can be deprived of the ability to speak that works under regular order, as I am doing at the moment, but it still will be able to curse unintentionally."

Dr. Byrne explains, “Swearing is so strong in our emotions that the words we need to swear are stored in many places in our muscles. That way, we have backups when we need them."

Do The Alternative Words Of Expletive Have The Same Effect?

Dr. Richard Steve is a professor of psychology at Keele University and the head of the swear lab, which researches profanity. "I don't understand how cursing in pain can bring relief.," he said.

To test if abusive language helps in severe cases, an experiment is done in which your hand is placed in a bucket full of ice and it is seen how long you can tolerate it.

This experiment is done twice on a person once he is asked to swear and the second time he is asked not to use abusive words.

Experts concluded that during the experiment, when people were really abusive, they could keep their hands in the snow for a long time while using alternative words reduced their ability to endure the pain. According to him, this is because alternative words do not have the same relationship with our emotions as swear language.

But Why Is That?

"Our heart beats faster when we use abusive language than with ordinary words," says Dr. Steve. It shows our emotional connection to abuse, and we know that cussing is a kind of emotional language."

Dr. Steve says, "We assume that when people are abusive in a state of distress, they are actually raising their stamina." We call this condition a deliberate painkiller, meaning you become numb to the pain, which actually helps you fight or escape.

Another listener, Colin, said: "It's not normal for me to be abusive. But a few years ago I was stuck on a mountain. My shoulder was down and I was put down on a sled. It hurts a lot when the car jumps. At that time I had to swear on the bus. No other word worked for me."

Abusive Gossip In Other Languages

Does abusive gossip have the same effect in every culture?

"There is a lot of scope for innovation in Spanish," says Clara, "because when someone is abusively abusive, he is uttering the whole sentence, which contains the file, the verb, and the object, and these abuses are one." It is told like a story.

According to Michael, the Russian language is the best language for swearing words. There are so many insulting words in it that anything can fall into the category of abuse. "Abuse is part of our literature. And you can't imagine anyone being Russian and not use abusive language."

Jacqueline says: "The abuse of Mandarin, the official language of China, is very interesting because the abuser will be determined to do something ugly with your ancestors for 18 generations. He will say that I will do it with your mother, grandmother, and your last 18 generations. I ask my father, 'Where did I go?'

In a Chinese swear word, someone is likened to a tortoise's egg, which is tantamount to saying bastard because the female tortoise does not have a single companion.

Abusive Gossip In Other Languages

Different words and techniques are used for profanity all over the world, but it is found in every human culture.

Do Animals Also Use Swear Words?

 Cuss words are not limited to human beings. Dr. Emma Byrne says there has been a lot of research on chimpanzees or African beetles for which they were raised together to live in a large family.

"American primate or monkey experts Debra and Roger Fouts spoke in sign language in front of these chimpanzees," says Dr. Byrne. And teach them the hints of everything.'

In the wild, chimpanzees throw their feces at each other and talk, but these experts have trained them to stop.

"When chimpanzees became accustomed to this training, they used sign language to throw waste, just as English-speakers describe their bowel movements in words," says Bern.

"They (chimpanzees) used these gestures to express their anger, frustration, and protest, and to call other chimpanzees 'dirty monkeys', which is a terrible insult to them."

Not only that, but scientists say they also started talking in gestures to make jokes about stools.

"Roger and Debra Fouts were going through the lab one day when they saw the chimpanzees were patting their chins with the back of their hands so hard that they were gnashing their teeth (a gesture to call someone dirty)," says Byrne. They started ringing among themselves.

Do Animals Also Use Swear Words?

So instead of throwing rubbish at each other, these chimpanzees had learned the trick of throwing rubbish and they were using it.

"Perhaps the most interesting aspect of my research for my book was that as soon as you learn how to express morally forbidden things, swearing words can arise from that point," says Dr. Byrne.

NOTE: Abusive gossip is considered a very dangerous evil for society, some people have a habit of coming down on abusive gossip because of trivial, offensive deeds. Swearing is a bad habit and they go so far in this habit that sometimes very obscene swearing comes out of their mouth, but they don't even realize it. The reason for this is that habitual work is done by such people with great ease and convenience, with no hassle. These abuses are uttered by such people because, besides satisfying their ego, they also consider the abuse and treatment of other people in this abusive thought. If the abuser does not get an answer, then the abuser considers it his superiority and his ego to find peace. Such people abuse others to hurt and annoy them. Some people do not abuse others for the sake of persecution, but their habit has become such that go or abuse is their food, they call everyone abusive in conversation and in general gossip.

Swearing is a very bad habit in human society. It hurts people and sometimes leads to bad language fights and even killings. Profanity is considered a sin in religious and conservative circles. The blasphemer in the world religions will not enter heaven from the beginning or be saved but will taste the torment of hell equal to his sin.

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