How Do Animals Choose Their Leader

How Do Animals Choose Their Leader, How The Jungle Democracy Works, Leadership In Animals, Democracy In Animals, Who Is The Leader Of Animals
Leadership In Animals

Humans have learned to help each other for their development and survival. And this help was impossible without any agreement or social contract. Aristotle also called for establishing a constitutional framework and a system to run the social system.

That is a matter of human beings, but how does the jungle democracy work? How do animals choose their leader?

We hear every day that the lion is the king of the forest. If so, how does this leader run his jungle system? Has he established any discipline, or is it operating without his consent?

If the jungle runs without the lion's will, how does he become the jungle king? We also thought there were many lions in the jungle. Are there any disputes between them over the kingdom or not?

Do they accept each other's kingdom or spend their lives fighting? Then there are innumerable birds and animals living in the forest. How do they choose leadership among themselves, or is their life going on without supervision?

To find the answer to all these questions, we had to consult with National Geographic. In this regard, Brian Handwerk's research is entitled, "How do animals choose their leadership, from brutality to democracy."He writes that these days when there is talk of presidential elections in the United States, why don't we look at the lifestyle of ants and other animals. From bees to dolphins, and from dolphins to elephants and lions, how do they live their lives under the shadow of a leader?


As far as the leadership of the chimpanzees is concerned, they also take into account their strength and the number of the team when choosing their leadership. With a large group, a more influential leader is needed; they choose their leader by force. Come, fight in the field; the one who wins will be Alexander! In trying to be a leader, they go to an extreme level. Bleeding may also occur.

The leader's chimpanzee personality must also have attractive leadership skills. Sometimes they combine to form a mixed "leadership," meaning that many chimpanzees work together to run the system.

Their leader also sets up the food distribution system. The leader is also considered in decisions regarding the distribution of other resources. The leader also decides which chimpanzee will marry whom.

The decision to choose a mate is not made by the chimpanzee. However, leadership options may vary from country to country. In many countries, chimpanzees love their cubs to gain the support of the female.

How Do Chimpanzees Choose Their Leader


Bees make many decisions by force. First, the worker bees serve a few honey bees well, feed them, and then fight among themselves. Out of a dozen of these bees, the one who survives becomes the queen. However, these bees hold the election to decide on a change of hive and a new location. The more bees buzz in favor of the place, the more the new hive is built.

How Do Bees Choose Their Leader


How does the lion king of the jungle choose a leader? Some experts say that lions have no leader, while others say that one can become a leader in an obeyed and male herd. Some researchers say 13 to 30 lions live together as a family in safety. Among them are mother, father, uncle, nephew... Everyone is involved. But they do not live together all the time. In search of water and food, the lions separate from their flocks.

Also read: The Amazing Animals That Don't Exist Today Because Of Us

How Do Lions Choose Their Leader


Hyenas are a breed of dogs. They have an inherited kingdom; the queen's daughter will also become the queen. They value experience and knowledge. They also consider gender when choosing their leadership. They take care of the female and hand over the leadership to the older female. And so one mother handed over the leadership to another. Most of the leadership is done by those whose mother has also been the queen. Otherwise, one can assert one's leadership even through war. The one who wins the battle gets the status of leader, i.e., queen.

A gang of hyenas usually comprises 30 members but can be a larger group. Anyone can challenge any leader, but that rarely happens.

How Do Hyenas Choose Their Leader

Stickleback Fish

The stickleback is a fish of the Gasterosteidae family. It is terrifying to look at. The system of selection of the leader in them is simple. Leadership in the stickleback fish is linked to their beauty. The ugly backbone can never be a leader. Jennifer Smith, who studies animal lifestyles in California, says some animals give their leadership to the elderly or females.

How Do Stickleback Choose Their Leader

The priority of these animals is their females or elderly animals. She further explained that mammals preferred experience and knowledge in their leadership choices. The older the animal, the more experienced and knowledgeable it is in its herd. Mammals usually lead the female. These include elephants.


In the jungles of Africa, the oldest female leads the elephant herd. Research on elephants in Kenya's jungles has shown that females in their 60s use their experience to protect their young and other elephants from lions. With the help of their memory, she takes them to a place where maximum food can be found and where their safety is easy. They perform the duty of protecting the young elephants. Smith says elephants value dignified leadership.

How Do Elephants Choose Their Leader


Whales also have leadership, with the oldest whale accompanying its mate for years. She takes her group as a family. One study also found that whales do not give birth after 50. At this age, leadership skills are awakened in them. They also help their comrades in hunting, taking them to the place where the best prey can be found.

How Do Whales Choose Their Leader