The Amazing Animals That Don't Exist Today Because Of Us

The Amazing Animals That Don't Exist Today Because Of Us, What animals do not exist?, What animals have gone extinct because of humans?
The Amazing Animal That Doesn't Exist Today Because Of Us

Wildlife also plays a major role in our colorful planet. There are millions of species of animals in the world. But the sad thing is; that there are some species of some animals that no longer exist in the world. The main reasons for the extinction of these animals are population growth, climate change, and deforestation. Our today's article mentions some animals that do not exist in the world today.

Malagasy Hippopotamus Believed To Be Extinct

The Amazing Animal That Doesn't Exist Today

This hippopotamus was slightly smaller than today's modern hippopotamus and was found in Madagascar. Initially, it was estimated that these hippos were found in the world a thousand years ago, but new evidence suggests that this particular type of hippopotamus died out in the 1970s.

Baiji Dolphin Believed To Be Extinct

The Amazing Animal That Doesn't Exist Today

This dolphin is known by many names, including the Chinese River Dolphin and the Yangtze River Dolphin. It was a freshwater dolphin and was found in the Yangtze River in China. Because of overfishing, these dolphins began to become extinct after 1970, and the last dolphin became extinct in 2002.

Javan Tiger Believed To Be Extinct

The Amazing Animal That Doesn't Exist Today

These tigers were common on the Indonesian island of Java and were a tiny species of tiger. In the 20th century, the island's population grew exponentially and deforestation threatened the survival of these tigers, which began to become extinct in 1993.

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Steller's Sea Cow Believed To Be Extinct

The Amazing Animal That Doesn't Exist Today

This marine animal was found in large numbers in the Atlantic Ocean. But fur traders subsequently hunted the animal in large numbers to get its flesh and fur, which put the sea animal at risk of extinction. This sea cow died just 27 years after its discovery.

Formosan Clouded Leopard Believed To Be Extinct

The Amazing Animal That Doesn't Exist Today

This particular species of leopard belonged to Taiwan and was also a very rare species. However, deforestation severely damaged the habitat of these animals and destroyed them. This rare species of leopard was even declared extinct in 2004. Attempts were made to locate him by installing 13,000 cameras at night, but his presence showed no signs of abating.

Chinese Paddlefish Believed To Be Extinct

The Amazing Animal That Doesn't Exist Today

Sometimes this fish was also known as Elephant fish and it was a very large freshwater fish. However, overfishing endangered the survival of this particular species of fish in the 1980s. The fish was last seen in China's Yangtze River in January 2003 and is now completely extinct.

Pyrenean Ibex Believed To Be Extinct

The Amazing Animal That Doesn't Exist Today

This particular type of mountain goat belonged to the Iberian Peninsula. But in the 19th and 20th centuries, because of high hunting, this particular breed of mountain's goat declined rapidly. In the second half of the 20th century, the number of these mountain's goats in the area became very low until they became extinct in the year 2000.

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Dodo Bird Believed To Be Extinct

The Amazing Animal That Doesn't Exist Today

The bird belonged to the island of Mauritius, but interestingly, it could not fly. According to the fossils discovered, the bird weighed about 21 kilograms and was up to one meter long. Now we see the presence of this bird only in drawings and paintings.

There are lots of more amazing animals that no longer exist because of humans:
  • West African Black Rhinos
  • Quagga (a mix between a horse and a zebra)
  • Zanzibar Leopard
  • Tasmanian Tiger
  • Passenger Pigeon
  • American East Coast Puma

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