Earthquake and Cause
Why do earthquakes happen? What are the technical reasons of earthquakes? Everyone wants to know more about whether an earthquake is predictable. Our land is still. It revolves around its axis 24 hours a day, day and night. Rotating on an axis, it also revolves around the sun, which is completed in 365 days, and the seasons of summer, winter, autumn, and spring change. But a third movement is also taking place on the planet, that is, the upper crust of this sphere keeps spreading on the inner matter (mantle). The crust we sit on is in seven pieces. Each piece is a rock plate. When these plates collide, what are called faults on the cracks in the rocks and any movement is called an earthquake.
Obviously, the countries that are on the borders of the plates will be affected by earthquakes.
For fifty or a hundred years, there has been no movement on the plate. Only the pressure on it keeps increasing. But when the pressure exceeds a certain limit, the rocks move several feet forward with a single jolt, and the accumulated energy is suddenly released. The energy is released in the form of waves called Seismic Waves that destroy populations and buildings. But no one dies of an earthquake. These are the buildings whose collapse has crushed people in their rubble and cost them their lives.
How can we save from earthquakes?
The question is, how can we save from earthquakes? What are the prevention and control of earthquakes? At present, we cannot prevent an earthquake, but we can reduce the loss of life and property. The first step in earthquake resistance is to find out which part of our country is most at risk from earthquakes.
The second step of rescue is that our engineers design the buildings in the risk zone of the city in such a way that they can support the expected earthquake of this magnitude without falling. According to geologists, this is called building code (also building control or building regulations).
If the buildings are built according to their code, i.e. the number of floors is limited, add a certain number of structural irons to the pillars, structural irons should be fastened with the skill and care given in the building code, so even if these buildings are not earthquake-proof, they will still be able to withstand earthquakes. There could be cracks in the building, and plaster could come off, but the roofs will not fall, and losing lives will be minimal.
The citizens should know in which seismic hazard zone their city is located. They should then ask the engineers during their construction whether the construction is being done as per the instructions of the building code.
The third step in earthquake awareness is for the civilian population to know what to do during an earthquake. Excessive worrying can cause more problems during earthquakes.
Earthquakes are part of human history. Many cities were wiped out by earthquakes. Many fought it. Today, in this modern age, the use of steel is increasing. The more steel is used in a building, the more flexible it will be. A steel building will swing like a pendulum in the incident of an earthquake but will return to its original position when the quake passes. Earthquake awareness and serious compliance with building codes are the most effective tools for earthquake prevention.
Drop Cover Hold principle
In the occurrence of an earthquake, remember to DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON. Lie on the floor and stay under something to hide and hold it until the earthquake stops.

Drop down to your hands and knees and hold on to something stronger.
Cover your head and neck with your arms. If a strong desk is nearby, crawl beneath it for safety/shelter. If there is no shelter, crawl next to an interior wall. Stay on your knees or bend over to shield important organs.
Hold On
If you are under the desk, hold on with one hand and try to go with it if it moves.
Prediction of an earthquake
The next most important issue is prediction. Geologists have done a lot of research. Maps have been made of faults that have been hit by earthquakes several times. They are constantly monitored. It is possible to predict from the study of the movement and pressure in them when there is a movement on this fault which will cause great loss, but no matter how diligently the prediction is made, there is a possibility of error.
Now, if a big industrial and populous city announces that an earthquake of this magnitude is coming here at some point next year. So all the development projects of this city will be closed, and there will be some evacuation of the population. Even if there is no earthquake, there will be irreparable damage. Therefore, geologists agree that instead of predicting, the focus should be on earthquake awareness and preparedness.