19 Circumstances You Must Love A Woman

19 Circumstances You Must Love A Woman, How do you properly love a woman, How do you treat a woman, Ways for a Man to Love A Woman
19 Circumstances You Must Love A Woman

Don't wait for the special event; take time now to make her feel special and unique every day. She is a part of your life and should be treated as the Queen. Nobody honours a woman except an honourable man, and nobody mortifies her or holds her in disgrace except one who is wicked, foul, nasty, and evil. There are nineteen points (situations) mentioned in the following, wherever you have to love her. Although, if you only follow point number eighteen, you need nothing.

1- Love her when she sips from your cup of tea or coffee. She wants to make sure it tastes just best for you.

2- Love her when she is jealous. She could select a man from many choices, but she chose you.

3- Love her when she undergoes premenstrual syndrome. Buy her favourite snacks, rub her feet and back and discuss her favourite topic.

4- Love her when she demands you to play with the children. She did not "make" them on her own.

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5- Love her when she has irritating little habits that drive you nuts. You may have those habits too.

6- Love her when she looks not good (dishevelled) to you in the morning. She continually grooms herself up again.

7- Love her when her cooking tastes terrible. Don't worry; she is trying to improve.

8- Love her when she requires help with the kid's studies. She only needs you to be part of the home.

9- Love her when she asks how she's looking. Your opinion counts. Compliment her and tell her she's gorgeous.

10- Love her when she spends some extra time getting ready. She only wants to give a unified look to you.

19 Circumstances You Must Love A Woman

11- Love her when she looks pretty. She's only yours, so always appreciate her.

12- Love her when she bought a gift for you, but you don't like it. Tell her with a smile it's the thing you've always wanted.

13- Love her when she is addicted to a bad habit. Maybe you have more than her. Try to resolve it with politeness and wisdom. You can help her change.

14- Love her when she yells for a small thing. Tell her it will be fine.

15- Love her when she forces you to pray. She wants to be with you in Paradise (Jannah).

16- Love her if she mistakenly stains your dress. You needed a new dress, anyway.

17- Love her when she gives a lecture to you on how to drive. She only desires you to be safe.

18- Love her for no reason.

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19- Love her; she is yours. You don't need any other particular reason.

"Treat the women well. The best of you are those who are the best in the treatment of their wives." (Al-Hadith).