A person who meets ten people in a day, and eight people like him, then it means he/she is a likable person. It is also possible that you are a likable person, but you don't know about it. There is too much difference between a likable person and an unlikeable person as a likable person gets more opportunities and respect than an unlikeable person. People enjoy the company of a pleasant person.
I will tell you eight signs of a likable person if you have at least five of them, it means you are ethically a good person, and if you have all these habits, then it means people like you a lot, and you are prominent among them.
Let's check out some common habits of likable people. You can check if you have these habits, then you are a likable person.
8. Making Amazing First Impressions
Imagine you are in a new place/event, and there you see a man or a girl. First, what think you will use to judge his personality? For sure, that would be his outfit/dress or sometimes face. You don't see his or her manner, attitude, knowledge, or any other things because you don't judge it by only seeing him/her, but the dress that he/she wears can give you a sign about his or her personality. So whenever you go somewhere, wear a good cool dress with a proper stylish hairstyle if you want to be a likable person at first impression.

7- Do Good For Everyone/Positive Emotions
It is human nature that when someone does good for us; we want to be do-good back and when someone does bad to us; we want to do the same for them, but a likable person does always well for everyone, even if someone did bad to him and that is why such types of people remain in a good book for everyone. This is a rare quality of people if you have this quality then, for sure, you are a great person, and you can get help from everyone; everyone will help you, and other people can't ignore you because you are a likable person to them.
6- You Are Not Perfect And Can't Be
It is a reality that no one can be an expert on everything. If your friend is an expert on a thing, it can be possible you are not an expert on that specific thing, but you are an expert on another thing, and your friend is not an expert on this. A monkey is good for climbing on a tree but not for swimming, and a fish is perfect for swimming in the water but can't climb on a tree, so being humans we have some faults; we make mistakes, but if you accept your mistakes and accept that you are not good on this specific thing, then it is a very positive point, and people consider this in a likable person. People don't like a person who can't accept mistakes and who tries to be perfect in everything because you are not perfect and can't be.

5- You Let People To Talk About Themselves
People like to talk about themselves, and if you allow them to do so, then they will like you.

4- Sense Of Humor Quality
People want to be happy. They want to smile. They like a person who has a good sense of humor. If you can bring a smile to people's faces, then there are high chance that you are a likable person. It is a skill.

3- Are You Highly Empathetic?
If you want to be a likable person, a person who never be hated, then you need to give sympathy for the people who need it. According to the research of the University of Surrey, If a manager in a company is empathetic to his staff, then it is an 80% chance out of 100 that the company achieves its goal.

2- Say Yes
When you agree with someone, then definitely you will be a likable person to him. According to Japanese research, if you chime in with a person, I mean you say Yes, Yeah; You are right, etc., then it is a 40% chance that he or she will like you for this, and if you just show your body language that you are listening to him carefully and agreeing, then there is a 20% chance that he or she will like you. However, I do not recommend that you agree and chime in with anyone wrong.
1- Ask Bundles Of Questions
When a person talks to you and tells you about himself, and you ask questions then there are 80% chance that he will like you because you are making a positive image of his mind it is good when a person tells you about himself, and you ask about/on his story (whether it is true or fake).
If you have all these eight habits, then you are definitely a likable person. People like you a lot, and if you have less than three points, then you need to think about your personality and need to change you.
Also read: Amazing Facts About The University Of Oxford
Tags: Likable Person, Unlikable Person, Habits Of Good People, How To Become A Gentleman