Sex is one of the oldest and most universal processes in the world, but talk or practice of sex takes place differently in different countries. The BBC program 'Crossing Continents' spent hours researching this. From virginity to apple slices soaked in armpit sweat were the gift of choice for likely partners, look at the different sex rituals in the world.
Hawaiian Tribes Name Their Organs

Traditionally, Hawaiians worship their sex organs and give them a name with affection. This is not the only thing here. The royal and the common people also have their anthem. In these lyrics, open words describe a person's sexual organs.
Trobriand Tribe Girls Involved In Sexual Acts From Age Six

Boys of Trobriand Tribe from New Guinea (Papua) begin involving in sexual activity from the age of ten to twelve, while the girls start from six years! Sexuality is embraced from a young age. And it isn’t even illegal.
Apple In The Armpit

In the Austrian countryside, women traditionally dance with apple pieces in their armpits. At the end of the evening, the girl would give her used fruit to the guy she most fancied. She offers that piece of apple to the man of her choice after a closer look at the men in the room. If both have the same feelings, the man eats a piece of apple.
The Greeks Do The Most Sex

In a global survey of condom-maker Durex, 30,000 people aged between 16 and 26 years in 26 different countries spoke. According to the survey, Greece is the place where most sex is done. An average person dose of 164 times a year. Maybe the reason of it's the weather or the water, but who can blame them? It may also involve their culture. They were fluent, open-minded, and empirically renowned in ancient Greek about sex.
The Japanese Are Having Less Sex

Japan is a country where birth rates are low. Not only that, but there is also a reduction in condoms, the use of contraceptives pills, abortion, and sexually transmitted diseases. "The only explanation that can be given is that Japanese people are less sexually motivated," said Dr. Kunio Kitamura, head of the Japan Family Planning Association.
According to a recent report, a record number of married couples are living without sex, three-thirds of men say they are too tired for sex, a quarter of women said they had difficulty with sex. According to another survey, the number of virgins between the ages of 18 and 34 has also increased over the past decade. About 45 percent said they never had sex.
South Korean Women Refuse To Have Children

An average woman in South Korea is expected to have 1.05 children in her lifetime, but to balance the country's population, the birth rate is 2.1 children per woman, which is more than double the current rate. Over the past decade, the government has spent billions of pounds on various projects to tackle the shortage of children (population). But, the birth rate is going down. The crisis could be because of home prices, child-rearing costs, or too many working hours because women are still responsible for child care in the country, and having a baby meant that they couldn't work in double shifts, so she refuses to have children.
Procreation Day Or Day of Conception In Russia

Russia has a national sex da. An ancient traditional method of controlling the population has been introduced in one of Russia's regions. The governor of Ulyanovsk, west of Moscow, officially announces September 12th as the day of conception. It is a holiday in which married couples are encouraged, they stay at home whose sole purpose is to get pregnant. Parents of babies born after nine months are given gifts of video cameras, refrigerators, and washing machines.
Fishes for Females In A Brazilian Village

In Mehinaku, a village in central Brazil, women take a simple approach for a proper relationship. The man who seeks the girl's love brings a gift of fish for her, and the person who brings the biggest fish is entitled to the girl.
In Colombia, Guajiro Tribal Women Must Make A Man 'Fall' To Have Sex

Men and women attend a special dance concert in the Guajiro tribe of Colombia and in the meantime if a woman manages to trips a man, then they must have sex. This tradition reminds us of the saying, "falling for someone" and in this case, people truly fall.
Danish Women Are Mostly Pregnant During The Holidays

According to research by travel company Spies Travel, Danish residents make up 46% more sex on holidays. Not only this, but 10% of Danish women were pregnant while they were away from home. In 2014, the company offered to parents a holiday for three years and a child-friendly location. That could prove their pregnancy happened during the holidays.