Weirdest, Craziest, Strangest Jobs
Mainly job professionals feel unhappy with their jobs. Some people need help with the workload, low salary, environment, etc. But there are some unusual jobs worldwide, and people will do them happily with a satisfying mind.
Here are the following top 10 weirdest jobs in the world:
10 - Bed Warmers

The bed-warming job is fantastic and weird. It is suitable if we call it the most straightforward job in the world. In this job, people get their salary for lying or sleeping on the bed. Many hotels make their bed warm for their customers (guests) by hiring bed warmers. The duty of the bed warmer is only to sleep on the bed for a few hours before the guest arrives. So, when the guests arrive, they find it warm. It is the service of the hotel. If the guest wants this service, they have to pay for it. The bed warmer wears special suits. The idea was introduced by the famous hotel chain Holiday-Inn first time in the United Kingdom.
9 - Professional Mourners

It is following in some countries; people hire professional mourners for their beloved one's funeral. This culture is followed by Africa, China, Europe, and the Middle East. It is a culture that has been introduced previously. The New York Times wrote an article about this first time in 1877. People want to make the funeral more painful and sad, so they hire professional mourners. Professional mourners have to make the environment sad by crying and mourning. They are getting a handsome amount for this job.
8 - Professional Cuddling

Do you know a person who demands money to hug someone? It is happening. Even it has now become an industry. Many documentaries have been made about it. Companies in America, Europe, and Japan hire professional cuddlers. These cuddlers have official rights, and they did a diploma in Cuddling. Lonely people call these companies. The company sends cuddlers to their home. Cuddlers just give a hug to them and cuddle their client. They charge per hour.
7 - Island Caretaker

Many islands in the world own by millionaires. They buy it from the government, and nobody can go to that island without the permission of its owner. Because it becomes their personal property. But the problem is for the millionaire who will care for their islands? For this, the island's landlord hires a caretaker who just needs to live on the island. In the past, the island in Australia named "great barrier reef" required a caretaker who offered 1.5 lacs Austrian dollars for six months, other than accommodation and meals. Do you want to do this job? Please tell us in the comment section.
6 - Professional Line Sitters

In this job, you just need to stand in line for someone who hires you. You will get a good amount of money for this job. This concept started in America, and now it reached Japan. Buying a newly launched iPhone for the first time, buying a movie ticket, or any sports match ticket; if you don't like to stand in a line, you can hire a professional line sitter. He will stand in line for you. In America, the line sitter charges 25 dollars for one hour, which is a good amount, and people earn thousands from this job.
5 - Fake Wedding Guests

This odd job is available in Japan. Usually, people have many relatives and friends available to attend their wedding. Still, in Japan, some people have no relatives or friends, so they hire fake wedding guests who pretend to be their friends and relatives. Also, complementing and praising the groom or bride. They charge for singing and dancing. If you want a speech for the groom or bride, then they will charge extra for it. A company in Japan named "Office Agents" makes a thriving trade in fake relatives and friends.
4 - Furniture Tester

When furniture manufacturers make furniture like a bed or sofa, they are concerned about its comfortableness. For this, they hire a furniture tester who does the duty of checking the furniture for comfort by sitting or lying on it. Many people do it as a part-time job and earn a lot this.
3 - Fake Executive

It is also a fantastic job. Some small American companies want to expand their business in Asia, especially China. They need more money to send their Executive again and again to Asia. They found a solution. These companies find the best person in that country and make him or her Executive (fake). They introduce him to local companies as their genuine Executive. This fake Executive just needs to attend different functions, so it can give a good impression. These fake executives earn so much.
2 - Train Pushers

The Japanese railway system is famous worldwide for its speed and time. Many people travel in the city of Tokyo, utilizing the subway network. Because of the massive number of passengers, they try to fill the train with many people as they can. For this, the Japanese government hired pushers (in the local language, they call it Oshia). Pushers wear white gloves and must push the passengers onto the train so the door can close correctly. When the train comes, they are ready to push the passengers so the train can go on time.
1 - Professional T-Shirt Wearer

What would you do if you got a job where you only needed to wear a t-shirt, write a message on social media, and earn a lot of this? (You can tell us in the comment section.). This job is done by a website called "iwearyourshirt," made by a person named Jason Sadler. He approaches different companies and gets their t-shirt to promote them on social media. He is getting a high amount of money for this job.
Odor judges Or Armpit Sniffers

Another odd or unusual job, or what should I call it? An Odor judges employee performs a small task to test the effectiveness of hygienic products like deodorant, soaps, mouthwashes, and body washes. Be contingent on what products are being examined, judges' odor subjects' feet, armpits, or breath, and rate their smells on a range of one to ten.
Madeline Albrecht at the Hill Top Research Laboratories, the United States, won the Guinness World Record for most feet and armpits sniffed. She sniffed about 5,600 feet and had too many numbers of armpits. Who wants to break her record?
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