It would be true if we call Google, the king of the internet search engine as it can provide you all the information that you need. You just need to type and search on Google's search engine for the things you want to know about, but sometimes it could be harmful to you.
Also read: How Search Engines Work Step-By-Step
What Shouldn't You Search on Google?
According to experts; you should never search following things on the Google search engine as it's critical for you.
1. Symptoms of Diseases
If you are feeling ill or you notice some symptoms of the disease developing in your body, don't Google it. You should go to the doctor for your check-up because there will be so many results after your search on Google that can create confusion or sometimes depression. You will see, engineers, teachers, lawyers, and even kids are suggesting medical treatment which is not good as they are not experts on it and it's harmful to you. So instead of Google, go to see a doctor.
2. Bomb-making Instruction
Always remember before Google; that bomb-making instructions, crime instructions, drugs, or making weapons can take you directly to the security agency's office. Because these agencies have a special task to look after and watch these searches on Google. If they found a person involved in this activity they can track your IP address, can approach you, and can investigate you. This would be a definite problem for you.
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3. You Are Suffering From Cancer
There are different diseases in the world. Some severe diseases can have usual and normal symptoms like fever, cough, weakness, etc. If you try to identify your disease on Google, there are clear chances that Google shows the signs you are suffering from cancer or severe disease.
4. Your Favorite Food
Google can't fill your appetite, so there is no point in searching for your favorite food on Google to check its pictures. You'll only get hungry. Although, it is fine if you want to check the recipe.
5. Dangerous Animals
There are millions of dangerous animals in the world and if you are interested to know and some of them are in your country so it can be fearful for you in your travel. According to the psychologist; if we research dangerous things, then they can never be outed from our brain, there is always a small factor remaining for the whole life. So don't search for dangerous animals on Google because it will not give you benefits, but could have a bad impression on you during travels or in an unfamiliar place.
6. Your Name
In the information age era, our privacy is secret or not, no one knows. If you search your name on Google; you may fall upon some unpleasant consequences. Bad images of you, inappropriate or irrelevant content, outdated information. We usually take these types of things precariously and seriously. If you see something like that, you will want to remove it all. But that is not a simplistic thing to do. Perhaps we should take it lightly? Or just don’t search it on Google.
7. Blackhead Removal/Skin Infections
If you think you can remove your blackhead or skin infection with the help of a Google search, believe me, you are wrong. Maybe a few will succeed but it will be temporary and you will see Blackhead again and this time it could be extra. Don't play with your skin as it could be sensitive to you. Always see a skin specialist. However, you can try natural things that will be not harmful to you.
So what should we do on Google if we have nothing to do or if we are bored? Here you will find some awesome and cool Google tricks that maybe you never know.
1. Google Can Do A Barrel Roll For You
Just type "do a barrel roll" into Google Website, click the "search button", and your browser window will do a 360-degree spin.

2. Google Suggestions
Search the word "anagram" on Google. The search engine will recommend "nag a ram.". It is very charming.

3. Google Gravity
Check Google Gravity. It will shatter the Google search engine into portions and pieces that you can move and bounce throughout your browser's screen.

4. Google Doodle
A Google Doodle is a unique, impermanent modification of the logo on Google's homepage pages that is planned to remember occasions, accomplishments, achievements, and eminent historical figures. For the classic game "Pac-Man" 30th anniversary, Google celebrated with a fun and entertaining in-browser version of the game. Check this.

5. Google's Sphere Magic
On the Google homepage type ‘Google sphere’ and then press the ‘I’m feeling lucky’ button, the page will take the shape of a flying sphere. It's a magical effect.