How To Deal With Manipulators

How You Know If You Are Being Manipulated

Some people are manipulated by their own friends. Even though they didn't know their friends cheated on them by manipulating them. It's not because you are foolish or straightforward, but because these types of friends are real tricksters and adroit. They hurt you, use you as a source, but always pose as friends. They use words and sentences that show he/she wants his/her good, but most people don't know that these people are just manipulating things for their own benefit.

Following are the examples of four manipulated phrases people may use to manipulate you when anyone uses them again and again, but it is normal if a person uses these phrases and then doesn't repeat his/her mistakes again and again.

Top 4 ways to deal with manipulators:

1. I was just helping you

a) I thought you would like it.
b) I was doing it only for your happiness.
These are the phrases used when your friends messed up your business or betrayed you, but when they use these phrases, you think they are right; they did nothing wrong because he/she did it for your happiness.


Tell them I didn't make you do anything, neither provoke you, nor it was for my benefit.

2. You are becoming angry without a significant reason

a) It's not a big deal.
Such phrases trick you into thinking the mess happened, but it was not a mess. Your mind is not in a perfect position, so you overreact or become angry without a big reason. They told you your thinking is not favourable, so you react like this. They just get you confused. You will let the thing (mess) go, which happened because of them but feel more frustrated in your mind.


You should calm yourself to deal with such types of people and should stay with your point of view. Show them you are angry for a valid reason because you did mess with me (or my business).

3. I am sorry

Many people get insulted or hurt, but they become happy/normal when someone says I am sorry. They think they are a valuable person; that is why he/she regrets and say sorry.

Remember, if a person says sorry again and again and repeats the same mistakes again and again, seriously, he/she is not regretted.

It is good that a person feels guilty and says sorry. Still, if he/she does not stop repeating the same thing repeatedly, then he/she is a manipulator because manipulators keep apologizing but never change!


Tell them sorry is not enough because you are fed up listening to this repeatedly. You made this mess/mistake many times before too. They should know it is challenging to play with you. If anyone insults you again, you should create new boundaries with him/her. If things are not working, you can leave.

4. You are over-analyzing and overthinking

When your manipulator friend insults or does something terrible for you, it always says you over-analyze things. In other words, he/she wants you to think; that it is not a mistake of him/her.


Don't feel like giving up. Stay with your point, and trust your intuition. Tell them you understand things clearly.

A manipulator knows your weakness and how and when to use it against you. They know which phrase can be used for you, so you can't judge the actual situation. If you think you are being manipulated, you should be stuck with your points as a mountain. Make them answer your questions.