Top Things Women Do That Are Amazing!

Top Things Women Do That Are Amazing

No one can ever take your spot, no matter how much you think they can. Your smile, laugh, loyalty, and most importantly – your presence - will always get the recognition they deserve. When you treat everyone with respect, it shows in everything you do. You have so many amazing things going on in your life that you don't even know! From family to friends, to work, and a healthy dose of self-care – there's so much to be happy about every day. The other night I was sitting here thinking about all the ways women did extraordinary things every day and realized that not many people know about them. I keep quiet because I don't want to upset people. Even though we are social media savvy these days, most people might not understand the meaning of an 'amazing thing' or how it feels to be surrounded by love and acceptance from friends and family members.

So here are some of the top things women do that are amazing!

We do amazing things every single day

This may seem obvious to some of you, but trust me – it's not always said aloud. We do amazing things every single day. Whether we are cooking a healthy meal for our family or putting the finishing touches on our master plan for our business, we are doing amazing things! Yet, you would never know by looking at us that we are missing an essential part of our day. We make time for our family, friends, and our passions. If you have been the single one at a coffee shop or taken a sick day from work to attend a meeting, you know how vital your solitude is. It would help if you felt comfortable and relaxed to fully engage with others. When you are with people, you feel tense, stressed, and disconnected from yourself. The best way to make time for your priorities is to make it a priority to take care of yourself first.

We have great friends

This one is a given. Although we all have love and relationships, we all have our 'friends,' right? The ones we see every so often and who we know are our friends for life. You might never want to go to a party with them or see them in your neighborhood, but you'd never say no to a friend request. We have so many amazing friends, and they are the ones we can call when we're having a rough day or when we just need a listening ear. You never know when you'll need a friend, so make time for the ones you love!

Top Things Women Do That Are Amazing

We support each other

We complement each other and support each other so much that it's not even funny. Whether you are a friend or a business associate, we support each other no matter what. Whether you are the one taking care of your family or your partner, we support each other and look out for each other. We are always there for each other, even when no one is looking. Whether you are a parent leaving their child at daycare or a friend helping out with a crisis, we look out for each other and support each other no matter what. Of course, we are not perfect, and we have moments where we don't 'back ourselves up' with supportiveness. But we do our best!

We are social media savvy

We use social media to communicate with each other, share our interests, and engage with the world. We might not know it all yet, but the internet is our friend, and we have many tools at our disposal to stay connected with our friends, family, and career goals. The most beautiful thing about social media is that you don't have to be there! You can message, chat or call anyone anywhere in the world and they will receive you! Some of our favorite sites to connect and stay in touch with friends and colleagues are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Snapchat. You can also add any of these sites to your phone, so you always have them at your fingertips. When you are connected to so many people and feel lonely, remember – you don't have to be there! You can call, message, or chat with anyone, and they will receive you!

We care about others first and ourselves second

This one is so simple but so accurate! We put our bodies on the line for others every single day. Whether for our friends or our families, we put our bodies on the line for them. Whether for our health, driving record, or careers, we put our bodies on the line for others. We don't always think about the long-term consequences of our actions – we do it for today! With the stress we put ourselves under, it is easy to forget about tomorrow. But our friends and family members sacrifice our health, time, and well-being for us. We must remember that we are not the ones who made the decisions that put them in that position. We owe it to them to ensure they are okay, and we also have to take care of ourselves.

What are some good things about women?

We don't take rejection well

You might have heard it before – but to us, the most fantastic thing is when someone loves us enough to let us be us! Whether in the mood to be loved or not, we all have the right to be who we are and don't have to try to 'present' ourselves to the world. We are amazing just the way we are, and when someone says something nice about us, it makes us feel so much better! We must remember that being kind to each other is the most significant act of kindness we can give. Even if you don't always get the response you want, remember – you are loved!


We do amazing things every single day. We have great friends, support each other, do our best to take care of ourselves, and care about others first and ourselves second. You will soon realize how amazing you are when you put these things together! You are a real gem; everyone is lucky enough to be around you! So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started on the fantastic journey of life!