Can a coin kill you if it dropped off the Eiffel tower

Can a coin kill you if it dropped off the Eiffel tower, Bullets' speed range in miles? Can non-porous paint cause death? Does skin help us breathe?
Can a coin kill you if it dropped off the Eiffel tower

What if a coin thrown from the Eiffel Tower falls on someone's head?

Can a coin kill you if it dropped off the Eiffel tower?

If a coin is thrown from the Eiffel Tower and if it falls on someone's head, is that coin hurt him?

The speed of any falling object does not increase indefinitely, but it reaches a certain speed and maintains it. This is called Terminal Velocity.

The terminal velocity of a coin dropped from the Eiffel Tower is about 45 meters per second. Coins falling at this speed can cause significant damage to anyone.

Terminal Velocity

Terminal velocity means the highest speed gained by an object as it falls.

In fluid dynamics, the falling object's terminal velocity remains constant due to the resisting force of the fluid through which it is moving. As speed increases the drag force starts acting and this speed depends on the substance through which it is passing. At this point, the drag force of the object will be equal to the gravitational pull of an object, and the object's speed stops increasing and keeps falling at the same speed, which is called terminal Velocity.

Bullets' speed range in miles?

If a bullet passes at a speed of 500 miles per hour from the barrel, what will be the bullet speed in a plane flying at a speed of 1000 miles per hour?

If the bullet is fired from the front of the plane the speed of the bullet for a standing person will be 1500 miles per hour, and if the bullet is fired from the back side of the plane the bullet speed will be 500 miles per hour.

However, the traveling person will think the speed of a bullet is 500 miles per hour.

Bullets' speed range in miles?

Can non-porous paint cause death?

In the movie 'Gold Finger’, a woman was painted non-porous paint which cause his death. Could it happen?

Yes, it’s possible but how? Because our body needs a proper temperature and through the skin, our body passes and evaporates heat consistently. When we breathe out its removes heat from the body and skin and keeps the temperature constant.

Can non-porous paint cause death?

Does skin help us breathe?

The skin is the largest organ of our body, the 12 to 15 percent of our body is made up of skin, in addition, it prevents us from outside taxis and keeps our body temperature and sensory reception maintained.

While the respiratory system helps us to breathe, the Respiratory system is responsible to inhale Oxygen and exhale Carbon from the body. When we inhale we take Oxygen in through the nose and mouth, the respiratory system helps the oxygen to flow in the blood through the artery, and veins exhale carbon dioxide through the lungs.


Many people believe that we inhale oxygen from our pores, many cosmetics mislead people through this concept, by claiming that their products “let the skin Breath”, meaning their products do not block the body's pores.

Since our skin cannot absorb oxygen, skin doctors (dermatologists) warn people this concept is fake, however, the skin product causes different body reactions.

Animals which Breath Through the Skin

As humans don't breathe by skin, many smaller animals do. Earthworms and amphibians have skin that's permeable to gases. Amphibians also have lungs, but they breathe through the skin most of the time. They exhale a lot of moisture this way because they live somewhere that's always wet or humid.

Which mammal can breathe through the skin?

There is only one mammal that breathes through the skin for a very short time. The Julia Creek dunnart, a marsupial mouse from Australia, its body length is only 100 mm-135 mm long, takes oxygen in, and exhales carbon dioxide through its skin for the first few weeks of its life, till its lungs are big and strong enough to take over.

Which mammal can breathe through the skin?

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