Don't Do sSven Things in the Toilet

Don't do these seven things in the toilet room

The toilet is the place in the house where most germs are found, so it should be used with utmost care.

7. Getting out without washing your hands

The toilet is the place in the house where most germs are found, so it is very important to wash your hands with soap after using the toilet, even if the epidemic of Corona is over.

6. Using the phone in the toilet room

Some people have a habit of using their phones even in the toilet room. Quit this habit immediately. One of the disadvantages of this is that your precious phone can fall into the toilet. The second and more important reason is that the germs found in the toilet get on the phone. Obviously, you wash your hands and go out, but never wash the phone.

The other important thing is where does the phone go straight? With your face So toilet germs can easily enter the body through your mouth and nose through your phone.

5. Consider the toilet a garbage dump

Most of us have a laid-back attitude when it comes to painting a picture of a toilet. Common items include hair, cond*ms, floss, medicines, scraps of paper, etc.

The downside is that these items get stuck in the sewer pipes, putting an extra burden on the entire system. In addition, medicines can be very harmful to the environment.

Put all such items in the common garbage bin because from there these items go to the big garbage bins of the city where they are recycled by separating cardboard, plastic, glass, metal items, etc., or are destroyed.

Don't do these seven things in the toilet room

So just throw toilet paper in the toilet.

4. Flush the toilet with the lid open

When you run the flush, invisible particles of germs and pollution fly around and pollute the whole environment.

There is a lid on the top of most toilets. When flushing, close the lid so that the spray-like material does not come out from inside the toilet and spread out and affect you.

Don't do these seven things in the toilet room

3. Leaving the toothbrush open

Whether you are using an Asian toilet or English, keep the toothbrush covered, or better not use a toothbrush in the toilet. This is because the fine contents of the toilet fly away and freeze on the toothbrush.

Don't do these seven things in the toilet room

2. Letting the toilet get dirty

No matter how clean your house is, if the toilet is dirty, such cleaning is of no use. Therefore, it is very important to clean the toilet regularly. The reason for this is the germs, the dirtier the toilet seat, floor, and walls, the more germs will continue to thrive there, and the more germs you carry to the toilet, the more germs you will carry with you.

1. Leaving the toilet door open

Germs have been mentioned before. That is why the toilet door should always be tightly closed to keep the rest of the house from getting contaminated.