Climate Like When The Dinosaurs Came To An End

What Was The Climate Like When The Dinosaurs Came To An End? Weather In Dinosaurs End Period, Atmosphere in Dinosaurs Period, Dinosaur Discovery Date
Climate Like When The Dinosaurs Came To An End


Dinosaurs are prehistoric and endangered species. The world Dinosaur means gis big lizard.


The dinosaur epoch began 20-23 million years ago (23 after 7 zeros) and ended 65 million years ago as if these creatures had been roaming the terrestrial world for about 160 million years. Today, birds flying over the planet are considered to be the offspring of a type of dinosaur theropod.

Before the beast of prey

The age of the universe is estimated at 13.7 billion years and the age of the earth is estimated at 4.5 billion years (8 zeros after 45). And one billion years after this birth of the earth, that is, three and a half billion years ago (according to human estimates) Almighty Allah (God) created life on it. This early life was unicellular, which took another two billion years to become multicellular. All of this life took place in water, and then until about 470 million years ago, life was like that of a fish. After that, even on land, insect-like life began to be seen. Some 200 million years ago, the animals reached Al-Mahaib, covering different periods on the earth.

Discovery Date

Different kinds of stories and information about dinosaurs have been found in different parts of the world for perhaps thousands of years. For example, the famous concept of a monster in the form of a dragon found in China, as well as the concept of Europe, which was studied in the flood of Noah or maybe even before a great flood drowned in the giant living creatures, There may be facts about the beast itself that have become legends over the years (there is considerable ambiguity about the Great Flood and/or the Flood of Noah).

The first species of beast discovered by Gideon Mantell in 1822 was named Iguanodon because it resembled a species of large lizard found in modern times.

Body Structure

Climate Like When The Dinosaurs Came To An End

Since very few of the endangered animals are transformed into fossils and most of them are still buried deep in the earth, it is difficult to say which is the smallest and the largest. What was the size of the beast and what was its size? Even the smallest sauropods grew larger than any other animal in the palaces around them. The mammoth, a giant elephant that was once extinct in the past, is also a dwarf in front of these sauropods. Only a handful of modern-day creatures may reach the size of a giant elephant (e.g., blue whale) that can weigh up to 190,000 kilograms and go up to 33 meters in length.

But not all majestic beasts were as large as sauropods, some were smaller. According to Bill Erickson, a mythologist, the average beast weighed between 500 and 5,000 kilograms. It can be said.

What Was The Climate Like When The Dinosaurs Came To An End?

It is a well-known fact that 66 million years ago, Meteor, which hit the Earth, wiped out dinosaurs and similar giant animals from the earth.

At 6 miles in diameter, the meteorite fell to the ground in what is now Mexico. This solution is called 'Chicxulub' in scientific language.

British scientists have made significant progress and made further revelations about this great collision.

Based on research published last year, scientists at the University of Manchester have conducted a new study that showed that the Chicxulub that occurred was the spring season on Earth.

Dr. Melania, who led the study, said a team of scientists analyzed the fossils of fish that died shortly after the collision to determine the weather on Earth at the time of the collision.

The bones of these fish indicate that at the time of the 'Chicxulub', spring was running in different parts of the world, including North Hampshire.

Dr. Melania says that just as a new layer is added to the trunk of a tree each year, the bones grow with the seasons, and that is why we have come to know this secret.

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