What happens if you don't perspire (sweat)

What happens if you don't perspire (sweat), What happens to your body if you don't sweat? Is it unhealthy if you don't sweat? What is anhidrosis
What happens if you don't perspire (sweat)

Whether you're at the gym, at home with a broken air conditioner, or eating some spicy food, you can perspire (sweat) anytime.

Wouldn't it be nice to have that wet, smelly feeling left behind forever?

How can you stop your body from sweating?

What happens to your body if you don't sweat?

And how can you manage to keep yourself cool?

Maybe your style is good. But your sweat is what keeps you cool. The sweat glands in your skin produce these salty, clear liquids. And there are between two and four million of these glands in your body. If this fact forces you to drop your phone, it may be because your hands are where your sweat glands are most likely. And your feet too.

When sweat comes out of your skin ducts, liquid vapors begin to form to cool you down. First of all, it doesn't stink like anything. It only stinks when bacteria turn it into acid. On average, you sweat about 1,263 liters (278 gallons) a year. And intense exercise can make you sweat anywhere between 0.5 liters and 4 liters of stinky stuff.

What happens if you don't perspire (sweat)

But if you lose the ability to sweat, will your body temperature go up and up?

Want to get rid of excess sweat?

What do you think about Botox treatment? All over your body

Although Botox can cure excessive sweating, it can be a big mistake. This procedure can damage the nerves which will block your sweat glands. If all your sweat glands don't work anymore, you won't sweat. Absolutely. You will have a condition called anhidrosis (the inability to sweat normally.).

There is no way to get rid of excess heat in your body, even light activities like standing, walking, or eating dinner will raise your body temperature. If you live in a warm place or like to exercise harder, your temperature will rise even higher. You will soon have a fever.

Your skin will become dry and hot. Your ears will turn red. You will start to feel sluggish and irritable. Especially when your body temperature is constantly rising. You will suffer from heat exhaustion. You will feel weak and nauseous. Your heart rate will increase.

At this point, your only solution is to get to the best place. You may need to take a cold shower. Or a glass of ice water. If you could not cool down, you would get close to a heatstroke. This happens when your body temperature rises above 39C ° (103 ° F).

At higher temperatures, your blood and brain barrier will break down. This means that unwanted particles and bacteria will start to form in the brain, which will cause inflammation. If you don't cool down dramatically, the brain cells will start to die.

You will lose motor function and start feeling confused. Eventually, you may lose consciousness. This is a good opportunity for permanent damage to your brain. Or worse, you could die. Well, that's the disease.

If your condition is sweat-free, you will need to make some changes to avoid the fatal scenario I just presented. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. You need to eat food that you can easily digest. And make sure you know where the cool shower is at any given time. But talk to your doctor. Don't seek medical advice from strangers on the Internet.

Oh, and maybe take a robot to do everything for you.

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