Easy Treatment Of Dark Knees And Elbows

Easy treatment of dark knees and elbows, How to get rid of dark knees and elbows naturally? , How can I make my knees and elbows fairer?, Beauty tips
Easy treatment of dark knees and elbows

Darkened elbows and knees destroy the beauty of the whole personality. But today, we will tell you about a treatment that can solve this problem.

Chemical peeling treatment

Chemical peeling is a treatment in which the skin is treated with chemicals. In this treatment, the skin's upper surface is usually removed, after which new cells are formed, and clear fresh skin is formed. Disadvantages of this treatment include redness, temporary irritation, and viral infections. But if you get treatment from a well-professional doctor, you will not see much harm. This treatment is also used to beautify facial skin.

How to get rid of dark knees and elbows naturally?


Apply lemon juice daily on the elbows and knees or darkened body parts and wash off after 15 minutes. Never go out in the sun after applying liqueur.

Baking soda and milk

Take a pinch of baking soda and mix it with a teaspoon of milk to make a paste, apply it on the elbow, and wash it after a while.

Oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal works as the best exfoliator (the process of removing dead skin cells from the outer layer of your skin) and removes dead skin cells. Combine 2 tablespoons of oatmeal powder with 2 teaspoons of fresh honey or cream. Use the paste on the elbow and leave for a few minutes. Now smoothly massage the paste on the elbow. Apply only the tips of your fingers for massaging. Wash off the paste after massaging cold water.


Always keep the skin moisturized with coconut oil or aloe vera.


Take one tablespoon of almond powder in a bowl and 1 teaspoon of finely almond shell powder. Combine them by joining pure cream. Use the paste on the knee or elbow. Massage them for ten minutes. Once the massing is done, leave the scrub on the knees or elbow for 5 minutes and then remove using tepid water. Wipe the elbow and use a good moisturizer.