Our Solar System - Part 1
The closure of schools, colleges, and offices because of COVID-19 makes us completely worthless. Instead of being free in the lockdown, we should learn our 'nature' process, like what is the solar system and planets.
Today I came up with the idea of why not explore the solar system, so I am trying to start a new series from today, and I will update this series every three days.
What Is The Solar System?
Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is one of the 2,000 billion galaxies in the universe. In which there are about 400 billion stars.
The solar system is called a star (the sun), and all the astronomical objects or celestial objects are directly or indirectly trapped in the sun's gravitational pull. All these celestial bodies are somehow trapped in the sun's gravity and revolve around it.
What Are The Celestial Objects?
Astronomical objects or celestial objects revolve around the galactic center of a galaxy in the observable universe or orbit around a star or a planet.
Our solar system includes 8 planets, 5 dwarf planets, over 200 moons, millions of Kuiper belt objects, orbital cloud objects, and asteroid belt objects between Mars and Jupiter.

Planets are celestial bodies that orbit at a particular time in a specific orbit under the gravity of their star (the sun). There are 8 planets in our solar system, the first four of which (including Earth) are called inner planets. Because of their rocky structure, they are called terrestrial planets.
1) Mercury
The first planet in terms of distance and numbering near the Sun is Mercury, 57.91 million kilometers away from the sun, and it completes one revolution around the sun in about 88 Earth days.
2) Venus
The second-largest planet in terms of distance and numbering from the Sun is Venus, which is 108.2 million kilometers away from the sun and completes one revolution around the sun in about 225 Earth days.
3) Earth
In terms of distance and numbering from the sun, the third planet is our Earth, which is 149.6 million kilometers away from the sun, and it completes one cycle around the sun in about 365.6 days.
4) Mars
The last of the rocky planet is Mars, which is 227.9 million kilometers away from the sun. It completes one revolution around the sun in about 687 Earth days.
To be continued...
The rest in Solar System And Planets-Part 2.