Twins are children born from the same pregnancy. Two people are usually said to be born on the same day. The shapes [face] of such people are usually similar. In the United States, the birth rate of twins is about 33 out of every 1,000 births of twins.
Do you know some twins are the same face and some are different, but why is that?
According to the details, there is a scientific reason behind this which very few people know about.
There are two types of twins; identical (monozygotic) and fraternal.
Monozygotic or Identical Twins
When the ovum divides after fertilization, they become two separate cells instead of staying together in one place, which takes the form of two complete babies. Such children are always of the same sex and the same face shape.

Fraternal Twins
With fraternal twins, two ovaries are released from the mother's ovary, which is fertilized by separate sperm, and two offspring are formed that differ from each other. They may have different genders and shapes. There are cases in which the fathers of the twins were different, but this happens in very rare cases.

It is also worth mentioning here that if the twins born have a boy and a girl, then their shape can never be the same but a little can be the same but not the same. The main reason is the type of chromosome.
Difference In Condition
There are 5 variations of twinning that happen commonly. The frequency varies in different communities. The 3 most common variations are all fraternal (the two twins are not from the same egg.);
- Male-Female twins are the typical result, at about forty-one(41%) percent of all twins born.
- Sororal twins or female fraternal twins, approximately twenty percent (20%).
- Male fraternal twins, approximately nineteen percent (19%).
Two variations are identical twins (they come from one egg that split later.
- Female identical twins approximately ten percent (10%) and;
- Male identical twins approximately (10%). (rare case).