Henneguya Salminicola Can Live Without Oxygen

Which Animal Can Live Without Oxygen, Henneguya Salminicola Can Live Without Oxygen, How Henneguya Salminicola Was Discovered, Animal Without Oxygen

Henneguya Salminicola Can Live Without Oxygen
Which Animal Can Live Without Oxygen?

Henneguya salminicola also known as Henneguya zschokkei, tapioca disease, milky flesh, is an animal (a parasite) who lives without oxygen. Henneguya salminicola is the first multicellular animal that does not use cellular respiration to generate energy, but some other way which is unknown until the date; Henneguya salminicola does not breathe oxygen because it lives in the low-oxygen domain.

Oxygen is essential for every living thing to survive on Earth, but for Henneguya salminicola oxygen is not important.

According to detail, a multicellular animal that can survive without oxygen exists in this world. Henneguya salminicola, a tiny parasitic organism that lives inside the salmon fish's tissue. This parasite animal has less than 10 cells. It is like a jellyfish and it lives without oxygen.

Henneguya Salminicola Can Live Without Oxygen

Henneguya zschokkeithat or Henneguya salminicola is the first multicellular animal to be discovered that can survive without oxygen, which is essential for life. The study, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, examined and sequenced all the genes of this parasitic organism. It was discovered that it did not contain the DNA machinery needed for the respiratory system.

The first living thing to survive without oxygen was actually a body found in mitochondria cells, which contain the enzymes for respiration and energy production, the researchers said.

How Henneguya Salminicola Was Discovered?

Henneguya Salminicola Can Live Without Oxygen

The first living organism to survive without oxygen was discovered by accident because scientists were simply examining the genomes of different organisms at Tel Aviv University. When the mitochondria genes of this parasite were searched, they found nothing. They noticed this animal was missing a mitochondrial genome. "Our findings show that evolution can be amazing," said scientists at Tel Aviv University.

How Henneguya Salminicola Gets Its Energy?

Scientists could not explain how this living thing finally gets its energy. Scientists assume the Henneguya Salminicola may have received oxygen from salmon cells. Scientists are still researching how can a living thing can be alive without oxygen.

Henneguya Salminicola Can Live Without Oxygen

Tags: Henneguya Salminicola, Henneguya zschokkei, Tapioca Disease, Milky Flesh, Live Without Oxygen