Facts and theories about man's landing on the moon have always been discussed. There are many conspiracy theories about the moon -landing among the people or even scientists. If we see the majority's point of view about man's landing on the moon, we can say yes... Neil Armstrong was the first man who step on the moon's land. But the opponents have conflicting points of view about the moon landing. They oppose the moon-landing mission (Apollo 11) and call it a fake story created by NASA. So, the question still exists did we land on the moon?
Here we will discuss the points, views, and theories of those who oppose the moon-landing mission Apollo 11. There are no technical points mentioned in the following but straightforward logic.
On July 21, 1969, on live TV in many countries, the United States showed two of its astronauts landing on the surface of the moon, and 500 million people watched it. But within a few years, the United States questioned whether the man had landed on the moon.
One such program aired on Fox TV Network on February 15, 2001: Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon. The show aired again on March 19.
Reasons Behind Apollo 11
America's nuclear weapons were better and more petite than Russia's, so they needed smaller rockets for missiles. On the other hand, the Russians needed massive rockets for their heavy nuclear weapons, so they outperformed the United States in rocket development. The United States was in grave danger of losing its territory to Russian nuclear weapons and the Cold War-initiated space race. The failure of the Vietnam War had brought American morale to a superficial level.
Russian Space Superiority - Did We Land on the Moon
Russia took the lead in launching the first satellite into space when it successfully launched Sputnik 1 into Earth orbit on October 4, 1957. Russia reached the moon in 1959 with an unmanned spacecraft. On April 12, 1961, Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to orbit the Earth in 108 minutes. 23 days later, American astronaut Alan Shepard went into space but could not reach orbit. To boost the nation's morale under these circumstances, President Kennedy claimed on May 25, 1961, that we would land on the moon and return safely in this decade. Many believe that even at the end of the decade, the United States couldn't achieve this, so it had to resort to lies to save face and assert its supremacy. According to Bill Kaysing, a man working for a rocket company in the United States, the chances of a manned spacecraft returning safely from the moon at the time were only 0.017%. He published a book, We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle, in 1974, just two years after the end of the Apollo mission.
Mysterious Questions
On April 3, 1966, the Russian spacecraft Luna 10 launched a satellite into lunar orbit, proving its superiority over the Americans.
According To Moon-Landing Opposition
On December 21, 1968, NASA sent three astronauts into lunar orbit via Apollo 8 that did not land on the moon. According to opponents, this was probably NASA's first lie, and when no one doubted it, the United States fooled the entire world into creating the drama of a man landing on the moon and making fake films in a London studio to show the world. Apollo 11, which left on July 16, 1969, returned after orbiting the Earth for eight days.

Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong's picture (during training) before landing on the moon was released by NASA. Some people think that the drama of landing on the moon has been made by making such films.
"The echo of such a drama was heard in December 1968," mentioned in the book "A Man on the Moon (1994)" by Andrew Chaikin.
Objections On Moon-Landing
To reach the moon, humans must go through the Van Allen radiation belts, which can be a severe health hazard. You don't have to go through these dangerous radioactive belts to get to orbits close to Earth. Animals were sent before man to go into space orbits very close to the Earth, and after satisfaction, man went into orbit. Surprisingly, the first animals were not sent to reach a distant place like the moon, and humans took the risk directly.
Some people also object that if a man had reached the moon, it would have become a permanent abode by now, but going to the moon has been stopped for a long time with no good reason. If a man could land on the moon in 1969, now that technology has advanced, he should have been on Mars, but he is not.
As stated by NASA, Apollo 17 was the last manned spacecraft to land on the moon in December 1972.
NASA has never seen a star in the sky in the pictures and videos it showed on the human moon. Since the moon has no atmosphere, the stars should be visible even during the day.
'Lost' Apollo 11 Tapes
The signal for the first human walk on the moon was recorded on slow-scan television -SSTV format analog tape after the signal was transmitted to the world. Telemetry data was also recorded on these tapes. Ordinary home TVs do not work in this format, so in 1969 this signal was made to be viewed on ordinary TV crudely. Technology is now advanced enough to turn such signals into clear and plain viewable images on an ordinary TV. When the original SSTV tapes were requested from NASA, it was found that they had been deleted for reuse, and reuse could not provide the original tapes to date.
Lost Drawing Apollo 11
Blueprints and detailed drawings of the machines used to go to and from the moon are also missing.
NASA Denies
NASA has always denied such objections. In 2002, NASA rewarded James Oberg with $15,000 for pointing out the objections of those who called the NASA drama a landing on the moon.
The real tapes of the first humans landing on the moon forty years ago were deleted and reused, reused restored tapes of the actual broadcast look even better, NASA officials said to U.S. News Reuters on July 16, 2009.
If you want to read complete NASA answers to all opponents' objections, please write in the comments section. I'll write that all for you.