In the deserts of the African country of Namibia, there are a few species of spiders that run left and right instead of walking straight, and with the help of their eight legs, they circle themselves into the dunes to protect themselves from bembicini or sand wasps hunt. This is not only an interesting fact about spiders but also many truths that you will be shocked to know.
You may be surprised to learn that the 'diving bell spider' or 'water spider' can not only swim in water but also can breathe underwater.
The spider can also recycle its web, and it does this by making the web its food. Yes! It is normal for spiders to eat their web every day to regain the energy used in spinning.
The venom of the black widow spider is 15 times greater than the venom of the rattlesnake.
Orb spiders mummify their prey before killing it.
About 95% of the spiders in your home never leave the house.
The spider's blood's color is blue and contains a large amount of copper. The color originates from the copper particles in the blue hemocyanin molecule when it is taking an oxygen atom. It is evaporated directly into their blood rather than being enclosed in blood cells.
Most spiders live only 1 to 2 years, but some can live up to 20 years like trapdoor spiders can be lived for approximately 20 years.
If you are afraid of spiders, you will see more spiders in your room. The reason is very simple. People who are not afraid of spiders do not even realize the presence of spiders in their room and those who are afraid focus on the spiders in the room.
Spider's silk is 5 times stronger than steel metal.
Spiders can be found on all continents of the world except Antarctica.
Tags: Amazing Facts, Dangerous Spiders, Harmful Spiders, Deadliest Spiders, Scariest Spiders, Facts About Spiders