Amazing And Scientific Benefits Of Fasting

Scientific Benefits Of Fasting , Biological Benefits Of Fasting, Health Benefits Of Fasting, Why Fasting Is Good For You, Fasting Benefits
Super Amazing Benefits Of Fasting

Let me share a unique idea with you. Read carefully. How would it sound if our house garbage is not thrown out but converted into a hammer, nail, wood, and ceramics and brought to our drawing room and kitchen again? This process is known as recycling.

Super Amazing Benefits Of Fasting

Our body also works like a machine. The brain thinks the heart beats, the lungs maintain the proportion of gases, and when a machine works, it produces waste material. Cells break, and waste material is produced. If these damaged cells are not wasted here, this waste material is not excreted; instead, it becomes beneficial for the body. This is known as autophagy.

A Japanese doctor, Yoshinori Ohsumi, did Ph.D. research on this and also won the Nobel prize. Recycling takes place in the body as well. This is the Lysosome cycle in the body, where the process of recycling or autophagy will occur. These are harmful elements, i.e., defective and damaged cells, which have become old and useless. Then pathogens (some sort of bacteria) misfolded proteins and other waste material into this cycle; autophagy took place and then converted into good elements, i.e., helpful material. Free amino acids and free fatty acids, which work as fuel for the body, these cells have again been generated, i.e., that waste material was not wasted; instead, it was used for the benefit of the body, and according to doctor Yoshinori, these are neuroprotective, i.e., brain-protecting, cardioprotective, i.e., heart-protecting. Immune anti-aging, i.e., slow down the speed of the negative changes that occur in the body with time.

Super Amazing Benefits Of Fasting

Hence, it is proved that this recycling process is possible in the body. The question is, 'how would it take place? What to do for this process to start the body?' Yoshinori says that if one stays hungry for a specific period, this recycling process starts in the body by itself. The method described by the scientists is the same as fasting, especially for Muslims, i.e., if nothing is eaten and drunk for 10 to 12 or 15 hours, many changes occur in the body. Therefore, it was said, 'Fast, and you will become healthy.'

Remember! If the proper way of fasting is strictly followed and if eating is also controlled in Sahari (Pre-dawn meal before a day-long fast) and Iftar (Dinner), three benefits are certainly gained:

  1. It resets the metabolism, i.e., the different chemical reactions that occur in the body, and helps it stay alive and reset.
  2. It controls cholesterol.
  3. It sheds extra pounds, i.e., it decreases obesity.

So, do not overreact at the time of Iftar (Dinner) and in Sahari (Pre-dawn meal before a day-long fast) either, rather eat in moderation, and your life will be full of happiness for you.

Tags: Benefits Of Fasting, Autophagy, Yoshinori Ohsumi, Fasting Benefits, Health Benefits Of Fasting, Scientific Benefits Of Fasting