According to psychologists, a first impression is long-lasting. But, it has a remote connection with how good your personality is. It's all about the gestures, mimics, and nonverbal signs you make, instead of your merits.
I share some advice and tips about leaving a great first impression.
1- Don't Smile Immediately

It is a known fact that smiling is essential for healthy communication. Though, it is not about that plastic (fake) smile that shows simple politeness. Experts explain how to leave a more pleasing impression; first, look at another person's face, wait for a few seconds, and then smile. This pause will make your smile more genuine and sincere.
2- Holding Eye Contact For Too Long

According to research, looking into another person's eyes for a long time can be described as aggression. Instead, you slowly extend the time of visual contact from the beginning of meeting someone. The rule of 60/40 will work excellently in this situation; make eye contact for about 60 percent of the time. The same is valid for relations between women and men.
3- Confident Body Posture

Whenever you see political leaders or champion athletes, you will never see them with their eyes or shoulders down. They are always standing with a perfect smile and posture. Therefore, they make everyone like them and show their confidence. The expert suggests you do the same thing if you want to leave the most immeasurable good impression.
4- Show An Interest
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Peoples think about two things when meeting a new person; do they like me?, or do I like them? Therefore, to leave a remarkable impression, you need to show interest in the person; otherwise, you will look arrogant.
The most reliable way of effecting this is to use non-verbal signs like gestures, eye contact, tone of voice, facial expressions, posture, body language, and more. Give attention and open up all the walls between the two of you.
5- Signs Of Anxious Gestures

Don't show these signs of anxious gestures like; leg shaking, ear touching obsession, biting your nails, fidgety fingers, or taping fingers. Most of these common anxious gestures are caused or exacerbated by stress and leaving a wrong first impression.
6- Mimicking Their Style

You can't only show your interest in a person by sending some non-verbal signs but by mimicking (copying) their style and reacting accordingly. This may cause you to look more caring, and you'll make an impact as a trustworthy person.
7- Visualize Before The Meeting

If you've got a while before a gathering (meeting), attempt to rehearse it. Imagine yourself speaking thereupon person ahead of a mirror, try a smile and a posture, and look at your gestures. Practice and visualization always help you urge better results.