If You Want To Kill Yourself - How Can I Suicide?

If You Want To Kill Yourself - How Can I Suicide?

If you want to commit suicide, want to end your life, and feeling suicidal. There are five things you should think about before killing yourself.

1. Think Why? Reason for Suicide

It's very easy, you can suicide but first, think deeply and ask a question to your mind why you want to kill yourself?

So if you want to end your life, you will find many reasons like, because of failure, failure of love, failure to handle life, failure to get a job/business, depression? Loss of hope, frustration, mental disorder, stress, domestic abuse, sexual abuse, psychosis, fear, divorce, emotional torture, etc.

How Can I Suicide

2. Find Solutions

I am sorry if you have any issues mentioned above. If you found your problem, I mean the reason for suicide, it would be easy for you to suicide. Okay, so now your next step should be the solution to your problems. You need to solve it. I know you already have researched how to get rid of these problems and you did all your effort, but you are failing to find a solution and still want to kill yourself.

If You Want To Kill Yourself

3. Find The People Like You

To find and search for people like you is easy. You can find them in your home, friends, colleague, neighbor, relatives.

When you find people that are surfing in the same condition as you, see how they all have suicided? how they killed themselves? Ah, wait, they didn't suicide? Maybe your problems are worse than them.

Find The People Like You

4. Find The People That Are Worse Than You

Find people around you and in the world who are in a worse situation and condition than you. (once again, it's easy, you can think about people who are handicapped, no legs, no arms, no eyes, you can think about Gaza/Kashmiris people and many more like a beggar, sweeper, homeless, hunger, etc) and try to understand their problems and think how are managing their life in bad circumstances, why they are not ready to kill themselves?

Suicide Solutions
Handicapped people in a happy mood

5. Think About The Consequences

If you are still with your obstinacy, you are seriously a stubborn person. You should think about your belief if you are a religious person, trust me, you will be in more trouble than this world after killing yourself. Your problems will not be ended after suicide, even it became more dangerous than before. If you are an atheist (no beliefs in the afterlife), think about after your suicide what will be happened with your loved ones (or family)? What will people say about you after your end life? Police can be involved to investigate the matter, your loved ones can be in troubles, people will see your family in a doubt, they will misprize. The consequences of your suicide would be worst, severe, and dangerous.

Think About The Consequences of Suicide

So, be careful about your family and loved ones; suicide or kill yourself is not a solution; failure people do these types of things, be strong to handle your life, get ready for any trouble and face it like a warrior. You can improve your life with the help of YOU.

Tags: Feeling Suicidal, Kill Me, Kill Yourself, Suicide, Commit Suicide, Self-improvement