What Is Paradox? Explained In A Very Simple Way

What Is Paradox, Paradox Meaning And Examples, Paradox Definition And Examples, What Does Paradox Mean And Example, Grandfather Paradox
What Is Paradox? Explained In A Very Simple Way

Paradox Explanied

This would be such an exciting article about paradox. It is highly recommended to read till the end.

An Interesting Example of Paradox

Imagine your father gave you a gift on your graduation day, an expensive wristwatch. It is not an ordinary wristwatch because it is a gift purchased from your father's first salary. He gave it to you with lots of emotions and love. It will surely be a lovely gift for you as you know it is priceless and you will take care of it at any cost. When you see it, it reminds you of your father's love.

A few days later, the front glass of the wristwatch broke. You go to the watch repairer; he replaced the glass, and you are now happy that you are taking care of your father's memory. After a few days, all three needles on the wristwatch quit working. You go again to the watch repairer; he said all three needles need to be replaced, and luckily he has the same model of needles; you replaced all those three needles and are happy to get similar needles. You feel happy when you see the wristwatch on your hand because it always reminds you of your father's love. You will say from the bottom of your heart that I will never leave this wristwatch.

After a year, the internal mechanism of the wristwatch stops working. You revisit the watch repairman, but finding this timepiece's internal workings is challenging because the manufacturer discontinued this model. The watch repairer invested his effort in finding it because he knew this wristwatch was essential for you. Finally, he found it and replaced it.

You wear this wristwatch daily. Now the watch strap is getting worse. Because you are emotionally attached to this wristwatch and don't want to put this on the cabinet, you go again to the watch repairer and get replaced by the same color, model, and material strap.

You have had this wristwatch for ten years and are now a successful man. You did not cut your connection with your root. You made some important decisions while seeing this wristwatch.

One day the same watch repairer called you and told you, I fixed your wristwatch machine, stitched the straps smartly, polished the glass, and that old needles are now in working condition, so I made the new wristwatch from all those old parts.

Now the question is, what is your father's real wristwatch?

Is the one you have or the one that has with the repairer? Did you spend your father's gift for ten years or not? This is called a paradox!

Paradox looks logically correct and can be easily accepted by the mind or psyche, but it contradicts itself. It opposes itself like in those above. It always has two aspects, and when you see both, you will find both correct, reasonable, and logical, but both aspects oppose themselves.

What Is Paradox Explained Simply

Ship of Theseus-Paradox

An example of a paradox in the aforementioned is called "Ship of Theseus." If we replace every single part of the ship, would it be the same? And if we build another new ship from the remaining parts, would it be called a real ship? Or the old ship will be called a real ship? The decision is yours.

Ship of Theseus Paradox

Sand Heap Paradox (Sorites paradox)

I have a sand heap, and everyone will be agreed if they view it. But is it still a sand heap if I get some sand from the heap? You would answer yes, it is. But if I get some sand from the heap again, is it still called a sand heap? If I repeat the same thing enough, is the single remaining sand still a heap? If not, when did it change from a heap to a non-heap? And if I have a sand particle and I mix it with another sand particle, then is it called a sand heap? Not! But when I repeat the same thing, it becomes a sand heap, but when it becomes in the heap's form? (it is called the sand-the-heap paradox.) Because there will be disagreement among many people at what time it becomes a sand heap but agrees on the initial point.Sand Heap Paradox-Sorites paradox

Grandfather Paradox

We know Time travel is probably possible. Einstein's theory suggests we can go in the future, and some theories say we can even travel in the past, but it involves a paradox called Grandfather Paradox.

You found a time travel machine that could take you to the past, and you go in the past, meet your grandfather in his childhood, and kill him. But the problem is; that if your grandfather was murdered in his childhood, it means he did not get married, and if he did not get married, then your father was not born, and if he was not born, how can you be born? And who killed him in the past? (it is called the grandfather paradox.). If you murdered your grandfather in the past, it means you were not born; if you are born, it means you did not murder him. This paradox repeats itself and can make your mind spin hastily.

What Is Grandfather Paradox

Unstoppable Force Paradox

What will happen when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? This paradox is approximately twenty-three hundred years old. It emerged from China.

We have a shield and a spear, but this spear is unique because it can break and cross all things. The shield also has exceptional quality. It can block all things and can't be broken. So the question raised is, what will be happened if we throw this spear on the shield? Believe me, no one knows the correct answer.

What Is Unstoppable Force Paradox
Tags: Paradox Explanation, Paradox Meaning, Paradox Examples, Paradox Definition, Ship of Theseus Paradox, Grandfather Paradox, Sorites Paradox.