Most Weird Last Wishes Of The Famous People

Most Weird, Strange, And Funny Last Wishes

People must have some wishes before death. Some people write a will, so it can be easy for their family after death. But some famous people in the world's history made their last wish so unusual, strange, weird, and sometimes funny. The world still remembers these wishes.

Today you will know the peoples who made the weirdest last wishes. Hard to believe in number four.

1 - Napoleon Bonaparte:- (Make Me Bald, And Distribute My Hair To My Friends.).

Napoleon was a military leader and statesman of France. He died on 5 May 1821 at 51. How did he die? It is debatable. There is a story of his death that he was given poison, but many say he had stomach cancer. Anyway, his last wish was so weird. Although he wrote a lengthy will, one of his last wills was, 'make me bald and distribute my hair to my friends.' Why did he do this? No one knows. Later, arsenic poison was found in his hair, which is why some say he was poisoned.

Most Weird, Strange, and Funny Last Wishes Of The Famous People

2 - John P Bowman:- (Make Dinner Every Night After My Death.).

He was a famous businessman and politician who belonged to the United States of America. John loved his family a lot. His wife and two daughters died in his life. John feels so lonely after his wife and daughter. John did a weird thing. He created a fund of fifty thousand dollars which was a significant amount at the time, and made a will that after his death, his house always remained open because he thought he would be united with his family after his death. He even hired some staff members and ordered them to make dinner every night after his death, so he and his family don't feel hungry. After his death, every night, dinner was served until fifteen thousand used. Today John's house is called a haunted house.

Most Weird, Strange, and Funny Last Wishes Of The Famous People

3 - Elizabeth Taylor:- (I Want To Be Late In My Funeral).

She was a very famous British actress in 1950. She likes parties a lot, but always reaches to party late and even became famous for this act. She wants to be late for her 'own' funeral. So just like that, she made her last wish; 'take me late for my funeral.' She died on 23 March 2011. Her last funeral sermon was held in California, America. She has taken 15 minutes into the graveyard as per her last will. Is it a funny last wish or a strange last wish?

Most Strange, and Funny Last Wishes Of The Famous People

4 - Mark Gruenwald:- (Burn My Body, Mix My Ashes With Ink).

He was the writer and the editor of the famous comics company Marvel. Marvel comics are renowned for creating characters like Captain America, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron Man, Thor, etc. Mark Gruenwald died at 42 years because of a heart attack. His last wish will make you amazed. He wished that after his death, burn my body to make ashes, mix my ashes with the ink, and from that ink, make a Marvel character (Write a character with this ink.). In 1997 marvel fulfilled Mark's desire and created a character (Squadron Supreme) with the ink mixed with his ashes. His ashes blended with the ink used to print the direct printing of the trade paperback arrangement of Squadron Supreme. His wife said that Mark and the story are one. It was seriously a strange last wish.

Most Funny Last Wishes Of The Famous People

5 - Michael Jackson:- (More Milk).

We all know about Michael Jackson. What is the reason for his death? I will make a separate post on it. Michael Jackson had written a complete will before his death, but his last wish was his last words, too, i.e., "more milk.". It was not milk but a propofol drug that overdosed the results of his death. Before death, Michael Jackson asks again and again for a propofol drug injection from his doctor. No one was available with Michael except the doctor. Michael Jackson got this drug habit from a doctor, which was later arrested.

Most Weird, Strange, and Funny Last Wishes Of The Famous People

6 - Harry Houdini:- (Communicate Me After My Death.).

It will not be wronged if we call him a prominent magician, stunt performer, and illusionist in the world's history. Harry Houdini was a very famous name in the magic world. He is not only a magician but also an escape artist noted for his sensational escape acts. His favorite and stunning actions likes; milk can escape, mirror challenge, buried the alive stunt, suspended straitjacket escape, Chinese Water Torture Cell, and overboard box escape, can't be forgotten. He died in 1926. His last wish was also bizarre. He wished that his wife, Bess, would come to his grave every year and perform a ritual called The Sense after his death. He believes by this ritual, anyone can contact a dead person. Harry wanted to be in contact with his wife after his death. Harry used to do this ritual for his mother but failed to contact her. It was a horrific last wish.

Most Weird, Strange, and Funny Last Wishes Of The Famous People
Tags: Weird Last Wishes, Unusual Wishes, Strange Wishes, Unusual Wills, Celebrities Wills, Weird Wills, Funny Last Wishes