Improving Smartphone Battery
A low mobile-phone battery is the main problem of smartphone users nowadays. We see smartphone battery becomes low even without using the phone (or in standby mode), and when we pick up the phone, the battery indicator is red.
8. Unnecessary Applications
Install many unnecessary applications on the mobile phone that can damage and lower your smartphone battery life. Because most applications send notifications that eat battery life. So you should uninstall all the unnecessary applications from your smartphone.
7. Bluetooth

Some people always put Bluetooth active (on) in their smartphone because their phone usually connects to other devices, but they don't get off Bluetooth when it doesn't need. You should get off Bluetooth when not using it because active Bluetooth consumes your phone battery.
6. Too Much Phone Calls/Unnecessary Talking

If you receive too many phone calls on your smartphone or talk too much on the phone, it can be the main reason for the battery being down. If you want to save your phone's battery, you have to avoid unnecessary talks until it gives you two benefits; first, you can save time and your smartphone battery times.
5. Increase Battery Life Up To 30 Percent

If your smartphone battery getting low rapidly, then you can try this tip which can increase your phone battery up to 30 percent:
Go to the mobile settings>power manager>battery> and enable the power-saving mode. (locations may vary on different phones.) It will put the mobile phone in a deep sleep when unused.
4. Unnecessary Videos and Pictures

We capture pictures and make videos during travel or on special occasions, sometimes for no reason. Cameras ruin your smartphone battery, so always capture images and make the videos needed for your memory, avoiding unnecessary pictures and videos.
Bonus Tip
If your mobile phone battery is getting very low and you have to capture pictures or make a video, then enable airplane mode, increasing your battery performance.
3. Location Feature

The location feature in a smartphone is outstanding, and some applications must turn the location on, but it also has a negative effect in that it destroys the battery of the smartphone, so it should be off when you don't need it.
2. Charging Port

Keep your smartphone charge port clean and safe from dust, water, and other particles. Also, keep cleaning your mobile phone screen. These habits can be helpful for a smartphone battery's life.
1. Live Wallpapers/Brightness

Live wallpapers also consume the smartphone battery fast, so if you need to save your mobile-phone battery, you should avoid it. Also, a high mobile phone brightness poorly eats your smartphone's battery. If it's unnecessary, then it keeps your mobile-phone shine shining lower.