What are some inventions that took us from the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age to the technology world or the Information age? There are some significant, essential, and important inventions behind this.

Fire is the rapid oxidation of a matter in the exothermic substance method of combustion, light, releasing heat, and several reaction products.
Although it is better not to call it an invention but to discover and explore. The fire brings a change in this life is remarkable. The fire was discovered 230,000 years ago to 1.4 or 1.8 million years ago, depending on which evidence you accept as definitive. To learn more about who discovered the fire in history.

A wheel is a circle-shaped or mechanical disc piece of equipment. About 3500 BC, when humans invented the first wheel. Why was it invented so late while humans entered the bronze age before 3500 BC? Humans invented many complex things like metal casting, musical instruments, harp, etc. It is easy to make the wheel shape. But how to connect the wheel with a platform that would not collapse or break is too difficult. It's called a wheel and axle design. Also, it needed some big wood pieces, which were a challenge. Wheel invention was difficult because of the many parameters required. That is why it took so long a time. Although, after the invention of the wheel, human life has changed.

A compass is a navigational device that uses magnetism. Imagine you are on a ship on the sea and lost, you don't know where are you, on the north side, or the west side, and you don't have any helper; either you will be lost in the deep sea or will be ended-up because of hunger.
Then came the eleventh century when the first mariner compass was invented in the Han Dynasty, China. In the first invented compass, lodestone (a naturally magnetized ore of iron) was used instead of the needle, which naturally has a magnetic force. People could go to another country quickly and with no fear. Also, they can find new places in the world.

The' knowledge' made us sophisticated humans from wild humans. Can you imagine how information and knowledge were shared until the fifteenth century? Because of no internet and mobile phones, information is only shared by books. But there was a big problem. Books were handwritten, which made them very expensive. Then in the fifteenth century, Johannes Gutenberg invented the first movable printing press in Germany. Although the first printing press was already invented in China. Because of Chinese language complications, it did not get famous.

The internal combustion engine is an engine that generates motive power by burning oil, petrol, or other fuel with air inside the engine, the hot gases produced being used to drive a piston or do other work as they grow. Etienne Lenoir, a Belgian engineer, introduced a revolutionary invention, In 1959, the internal combustion engine. This engineering master kicked out the steam engine and took place in the world of machinery and transportation.
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