It is a general and common fact that science knows everything, but it is not true. I will tell you about 7 points that science couldn't explain. You will be more amazed at point number 4 for sure.
1. How Did Life Begin?
How did life start on earth? Science does not understand it. Science has good theories about how bacteria, unicellular organisms, and complex human beings are made from the first phase. Still, science has no answer to how the first DNA/RNA was made, which caused a beautiful system in our world. Some scientist thinks life comes to our world from other meteor or comet. They also have no solid confirmation about this.
2. How Were The Egyptian Pyramid Built?
Many scientists have tried to explain how the Egyptian pyramid was built. There is no strong confirmation that all researcher agrees on it. Building an Egyptian pyramid in today's world is almost impossible, and thousands of years ago, Egyptians built pyramids at a time when even the wheel was not invented. Even the stone which has made pyramids don't exist in that area. How did they bring these heavyweight stones into the area, and how did they put the stone on another stone with perfect accuracy? It is a real mystery that has not been solved until today.
3. Planets In Our Solar System.
How many planets are in the Solar System? It was a surprising fact for me we learned from childhood there are nine or eight planets in the solar system, depending on what you think about Pluto. This is what science knows today, but no one knows how many planets revolve around the sun. The question is, why we don't know about it? A short answer to that: Solar System is an enormous place. Many scientists suggested many planets after Pluto with strong evidence, but this point is still valid regarding how many planets are in the Solar System.
4. Why Do We Sleep?
The brain functions well in sleeping. It is fascinating that we sleep about 33% of our life. Science does not understand why we sleep. Science knows what happens in the brain while we sleep and, when we dream, what chemicals are released in our brain and body (which don't release during awakening). Science even knows; when we need to sleep and when we need to awake, but science has no idea why we sleep.
5. How the Bicycle Works?
How does a two-wheeler bicycle work? Yes, you read it correctly. Science does not know how a two-wheeler bicycle maintains balance. The researcher tried a lot to explain it with calculations and given equations. But they can't tell it with a simple explanation of how a cycle runs on two wheels.
6. How Many Species Are There In The World?
There are so many types of animals in the world. Every animal has its species. Scientists have been trying to find out about total species for hundreds of years. They find fifteen thousand new species every year. As of 2011, scientists identified 2 million species.
Scientists believe that 99% of species live under the water, and we found about 10%. If you are a zoology or botany student, there is a good chance for you to find new species. Do you know if you identify new species, you can name it by your own choice?
7. How does Gravity Works?
Gravity is a weird thing. We have known gravity since Newton's time. We know how much speed gravity is required to force things; that's why fruits fall to the ground, but how does it work? It is still an enigma. There are four types of fundamental force:
- Weak Force
- String Force
- Electromagnetic Force
- Gravity
Gravity is very different and weird compared to the other forces mentioned above. It is not as powerful as others, but it is both weaker and stronger. It keeps the universe stable. Gravity can't be zero. If people are interested in physics, how does gravity work if they solve this? They will be entitled to a Noble price.