You will be shocked; even your spirit will feel the bombshell to read the punishment for the crimes given by the kings/government in the past when the human culture did not grow well and was in the worst condition. Usually, they severely torture them until death.
Rat Torture Method
This punishment was famous in ancient times, especially in Europe. They put a rat in the cage, open from one side. It's called the rat trap. This cage is set on the top of the criminal's chest then they get a fire to the cage from the closed side of the cage. Now the cage becomes hot, and there is no way for the rat to exit except to eat the human's body to survive. Obviously, this causes a horrible death of the criminal.

Crushed Under The Elephant
This punishment method is famous in the south Asian region. In ancient times, they train elephants to stand on the criminal's chest or head. Do you believe the elephant is trained not to put all his weight so that sudden death does not happen? It was really the worst punishment.

Also, they throw criminals into the river (full of crocodiles) after hogtied. The crocodile finishes it in a few minutes.
The Brazen Bull
It is a very famous punishment in ancient Greek. Many movies and books have mentioned this punishment method. It was also called a Sicilian bull. They make a bronze bull empty from the inside; they put the criminal inside the bull and then get fire. This fire steams the criminal to death. People can hear the criminal scream and shout.

This cruel punishment method pulls out different organs from the alive criminal body. Criminal's tongue, nail, or any part they pull out. Unfortunately, this method is used in today's world, too, in some countries (unofficially).

The Iron Maiden
In this punishment method, there was a coffin made from iron with sharp spikes. They put criminals into this iron coffin and close it so that a sharp coffin can cause him torture till death. This device can be seen in many museums in the world.

The Breaking Wheel
This looks simple, but it was extremely maltreatment punishment. They bind criminals to a big spinning wheel device in a way that breaks the body's bones because of pressure on the body when they spin it.

Death by Boiling
It is self-explanatory by name. This punishment usually gives to the person who betrays the country. It is famous in Europe and Asia. Criminals are carried out using a big sealed kettle or cauldron filled with water, oil, or other liquid. They boil it till the criminal death, full of pain. Although this punishment did not give many times, the Punisher didn't feel happier because it didn't bleed. People think of that time that high blood means more cruel punishment.