Help of a Poor Guy - Fantastic Jokes

very funny jokes in the world, poor guy jokes, jokes in english, best short jokes, Judge Joke, Helping Joke, PUBG Joke, best jokes about PUBG

Helping Joke

I gave my wallet, wristwatch, and iPhone to a poor guy and you can't imagine how I felt humbled, easy, and relaxed when he puts his pistol back in his pocket.

Women Joke

Do you know which book is the slimmest and shortest book in the world? The book's name is "What The Women Wants." There is written on its first page "Everything."


Boy to a girl: I want to marry you and want to get permission from your parents.
Girl: Don't ask my parents. Ask my best friend. It is only about love. I love you. Otherwise, I am happy with PUBG.

Judge Joke

Judge: What evidence do you have, that you are not driving fast (Overspeed)?
Person: Sir, I was going to my mother-in-law's home for dropping off my wife there.
Judge: You are free to go.

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