Single Joke
I was alone in the restaurant when a beautiful girl came and asked: Are you single? I felt so happy and told her, yes, I'm single. She took the chair near me.
Restaurant Joke
In a restaurant, Pappu said, I love you to a girl. Girl Slapped him and asked what the hell are you saying? Pappu slapped her back and said if you did not hear me, then why you slapped me?
Wiseman Joke
A wise man said: We should call a madwoman to a mad girl, then madwoman will become happy.
Social Media Joke
Do you ever earn money from Facebook and WhatsApp? No? Then you must uninstall both applications and should look for some job or business. Thank you.
Jobless Joke
Father: I have four sons. One has done an MBA, the second one is an engineer and the third one is a geologist.
Friend: And the fourth one?
Father: He is a thief.
Friend: Get him out of your home.
Father: I can't. He is the only son who is not jobless.